Chapter 40: Fwhip POV

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I was sitting in my living room with my head in my hands.

Phoenix had escaped less than an hour ago. I rubbed my temples and stared down at the floor, debating what I'd do. How had she escaped? Her blackstone cuffs were lying on the ground and everything had been destroyed. If someone had helped her out, they had covered their tracks with impossible skill.

Every second I expected someone to rush into the room and announce she was attacking a kingdom or setting siege to the city. So, I jumped when my mother opened the door. She and dad were staying for a few nights.

"Fwhip?" she asked. "Can we talk?"

"Yeah, what is it mum?" I sighed and looked up.

"That girl...she really is Pandora's daughter?"

"As far as we know." I answered.

She frowned. "You know, when Scott was born, they kept it pretty quiet. I don't think they even gave out his name until he was at least seven. I heard a rumor he had a twin brother who died when they were kids. But not of a younger sister."

Twin brother?

"A rumor of a brother?" I asked, trying to confirm what I had heard.

She nodded. "Of course, it was probably just a story. We don't have many reliable sources in the Elven Empire-"

"Yeah..." I said slowly. "We don't. Did you need anything else?"

"No." she said. "Thank you honey, I'll see you in the morning." And she shut the door.

So, Pandora and Rohan didn't manage to erase Xornoth from everyone's memories... So, who else knew?

Sausage arrived in the next hour after I sent out the news that Phoenix was on the loose.

"What do we do?" he asked, collapsing backwards onto the couch. "What happens if she starts another war?-"

"I don't know!" I snapped. "Stop asking me like I know all the answers!"

"Well, jeez sorry..." he mumbled.

After a minute I looked back up. "Sorry." I muttered. "Just stressed."

Sausage nodded and rubbed his face with his hands. "This kid could destroy the world with her pinky finger." He said. "How do we stop that?"

I just shook my head. "If we can't find her, we'll just have to wait for her to come to us."

We sat there for a moment in tense silence, but I heard a door being slammed somewhere in the hallway, then the door to the living room we were in flung open.

I instantly stood up, just in time for Gem to run in and hug me tightly, sobbing into my shoulder.

"What the hell Gem!? What happened?" I asked, pushing her away just a little bit and putting my hands on her shoulders. Gem choked down a sob.

"I- I let Scott go back- go back to Rivendale after Erin escaped." She said slowly. She had already informed me of this earlier.

"Yes...?" I said.

"Before- before he left, he- he tried to f-fix this." She said, tugging at her hair, and I realized she meant the ice curse he had placed on her. "But- but he couldn't! He tried so hard, and he couldn't!" Tears began to stream down her face again as she tried to get words out. "I'm going to die Fwhip."

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