Chapter Four

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"What do you think Kakashi-Sensei is going to have us do today Sasuke-Kun?" Sakura fawned over the Uchiha as per usual.

Narumi was currently sitting on the railing of the bridge, letting her legs sway back and forth and she had her eyes closed, meditating. She knew from training with Shikamaru that she could not reach Sage Mode; her 12-year-old body couldn't hold it. So all she could do now was meditate and try to control her urge to kill her 'teammates'.

The blonde knew that today was the day that Kakashi-Sensei would tell them he nominated them for the Chunin exams and they would get the rest of the day off. Narumi was counting on the same thing happening for Team 10 as she and Shikamaru had something's they needed to finalize before the Sand Sib's came to town.

"He's two hours late so far." Sakura commented annoyed.

"I'm sure he has a good reason." Narumi said breezily, not opening her eyes.

"He never has a good reason." Sakura scoffed annoyed. "What are you even doing? You will fall in if you sit up there any longer."

"Is that a threat Sakura-Chan?" Narumi asked flatly, not moving from her spot.

"A ninja must never let their guard down." Sasuke said smugly as he lashed out with the heel of his right hand.

Narumi moved out of reflex, she bent backwards so she was lying vertically. This allowed Sasuke's strike to hit nothing but air, Narumi snapped open her blue eyes and swung her legs up and doing a complex leg movement, trapped the Uchiha on the ground, immobile and defenseless. Narumi tuned out the shrieks coming from Sakura to let 'her Sasuke-Kun' go.

"A ninja should also never attack their comrade, those who do so are worse than scum." Narumi stated impassively, tightening her grip on the Genin with hard eyes. "Do you understand me Uchiha? Keep that in mind before you attack a comrade."

Narumi released her hold on the Uchiha and stood up dusting her pants off.

"Naru-Chan is correct, I hope I haven't made a mistake by nominating you all for the Chunin Exam." Kakashi's voice called out, Narumi simply turned slightly to eye the Jounin while Sakura startled and Sasuke picked himself off the ground with a look of fury aimed at Narumi.

"The Chunin exam?" Sakura asked confused as Kakashi handed each of them a slip of paper.

"The exams are taking place in Konoha this year. These exams are for all those who want to ascend from Genin to Chunin, it is a showcase of your skills to the five nations. However take this into consideration, these exams... People can die; in the second part rules do not apply. You need to work together to survive; it is starting in three days so you have that long to decided if you wish to join." Kakashi explained and Narumi barely paid attention, as she knew all of this already. So this time around they had three days to prepare before the exams started.

"That's all for today." Kakashi said before he disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

"I'm going to become a Chunin, you better not back out Dobe." Sasuke growled before he stalked off, Sakura following behind him.

"That would be the day... This time I'll become a Chunin, I'm not going from Genin to Hokage in a day." Narumi muttered to herself glancing around before she Shushin'ed to training ground 11 where she saw Shikamaru waiting for her with the same slip of paper in his hand.

"We have three days before everything get's set into motion." Shikamaru said as the two sat across from each other as Narumi pulled out a scroll and unsealed it, many seals appeared on the ground around the two.

"I finished the seal's last night when you were cooking dinner with your mom." Narumi said and Shikamaru nodded.

"So shall we?" Shikamaru stood up.

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