Chapter Fourteen

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One early morning when the two Genin's were quietly discussing what they were going to do when Jiraiya came to get Narumi to bring Tsunade back to the village when two birds pecked at the window until Narumi lumbered up and let the birds in. The two birds than disappeared in a puff of smoke to show Akira and Akito Kazama.

"Kakashi wants us to come train with team 7 in two hours, we figured that you two would rather be present for it." Akito whispered and the two Genin's exchanged grins and the four of them made hand signs and their positions reversed. Now Narumi and Shikamaru were Akira and Akito once again while the Bunshin's took the Genin's places.

"See you at 9." Akira nodded at Narumi before the two redheads henged into birds again and flew off to the apartment the Sandaime set the Kazama twins up in once the clean up of the village was complete.

Once inside the redheads dropped the henge and Akito walked into the kitchen, pulling his shoulder length hair up into his ponytail before he started on some breakfast for the two of them. Akira sat on the hardwood flooring with her legs crossed, placing a basic Katana across his lap. She had left Raijin with her Bunshin self for the training she had today.

"What do you think we should work on with Team 7?" Akira asked as she polished her Katana lovingly.

"Teamwork comes to mind." Akito retorted as he turned on the stove to heat up a frying pan.

"Ha-ha, other than the obvious." Akira rolled her eyes.

"We show them real teamwork and point out the flaws in theirs. We should get Sakura working on her Taijutsu, if she had a basic understanding it would make Tsunade's job of teaching her a bit easier." Akito mused as he cracked open some eggs from the fridge and into the heated pan.

"I can train 'Narumi' in Kenjutsu so she can have a good excuse to wield Raijin so well in the future." Akira used air quotes when referring to herself.

"What about Sasuke?" Akito asked, peering over his shoulder to see Akira screwing up her face.

"Maybe Kakashi can get him started on some more advance Katon jutsu's and work on his speed. I did notice that he was a bit slow when I saved them from the Oto Nin, but mainly we need to focus on his attitude and thankfully we can tell him what we think of him, his goals and his skills by pretending we had a friend just like him and we can tell him what happened to this 'friend' in the future." Akira slammed her open palm against the floor beside her thigh to give her point more impact.

"Hmm, so there is nothing in those plans that will make you feel better afterwards, huh?" Akito teased as he scrambled the large pan of eggs.

"No ulterior motive at all." Akira said innocently before she placed her polished and sharpened Katana on the coffee table as she moved about the kitchen bringing out plates and re-heating some sausages.

The two ate in peace and were armed and ready at 9, surprised that Kakashi came on time when the silver haired Jounin knocked on the front door.

"I'll be damned." Akira huffed to herself as Akito opened the door to reveal the Jounin.

"Yo." He raised a hand in greeting. "Are you two ready?"

"Yeah." The twins chorused and followed Kakashi out of the apartment complex they were living in.

"Thank you for doing this, but you may be regretting it by the end of the day." Kakashi said, his ever-present orange book out already.

"Why would we regret it?" Akira asked the two redheads were subconsciously flanking the Copy Nin as they had done so many a times in the future.

"My kawaii Genin's… They are not exactly what you would call the ideal team… Like I said before I think letting them see how teamwork actually works would be helpful." Kakashi scratched his eye as they came into view of the bridge where they could see Sasuke, Sakura and Narumi already lounging there. Akira smiled a bit seeing that Narumi had Raijin attached to her back that would make things easier during their training.

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