Chapter Six

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"Wake up you lazy brat. I finally wake up from my nap and you aren't even awake." Kurama's voice echoed inside of Narumi's head and the blonde snapped her eyes open seeing she was in the shared mind space.

"Kurama? Are you finally awake after all this time? You sent us back to the past you fuzz ball and then you have the nerve to take a nap!" Narumi ranted at the Kyuubi.

"You should be more grateful brat, using that space-time jutsu could have killed me. I sent you two back to the past to make sure the war stops from happening and none of my siblings will be used to make that beast." Kurama flicked his tails annoyed while Narumi dodged them with ease, too used to this form of annoyance from the Nine-Tails.

"So this is all real, everyone is still alive?" Narumi asked as she managed to curl up next to the fox's furry face.

"It's all real kit, you can stop it all from playing out the way it did in the future." Kurama assured the small blonde.

"Thank you Kurama. You're the best, I don't care what anyone says." Narumi somehow wrapped her little 12-year-old arms around Kurama's large black nose. The Kyuubi huffed slightly, but allowed the Genin to hug him.

"The Chunin exams are starting tomorrow... Today is the day I meet Gaara for the first time... How do you think it will go with Shukaku sealed inside of him?" Narumi asked concerned for the future Kazekage. "I don't really want to fight him again right after I fight Neji, but I will if I have too."

"I have a theory, but until you see Gaara I won't know if it is plausible." Kurama said slowly.

"Fine, don't share with the rest of the class then you fur ball." Narumi huffed and Kurama batted her with one of his tails. "I should go, if I'm going to save Konohamaru from Kankuro then I better be off."

"Hm." Kurama grunted as Narumi faded from the mind space.

Narumi opened her eyes and looked around to see Shikamaru had already gotten up and was most likely out herding the deer or helping Kaa-San make breakfast. Narumi rolled off her bed and pulled on her clothes and absently wondered what clothes she should get after the Chunin exams were done. She padded down the hallway and entered the dining hall to see Shikamaru, Yoshino and Shikaku already there.

"Morning Naru-Chan, you're just in time." Yoshino sang as the blonde slid into a chair as she and Shikamaru served up breakfast.

"This looks great Shika, Kaa-San." Narumi slapped her hands together in thanks before attacking her food with gusto.

Yoshino smiled good-naturedly and Shikaku smirked a bit while Shikamaru rolled his eyes fondly before he too attacked his food. Yoshino and Shikaku exchanged pleased looks; their kids were getting up to a healthy weight and their pale skin darkened a bit thanks to the time they spent out in the sun and they started to grow height wise as puberty slowly started to descend upon them.

"So what do you two plan on doing today?" Yoshino asked as she too started in on her food.

"I promised Konohamaru we would play 'ninja' today so I'm going to find him." Narumi said and Shikamaru gave a knowing nod.

"I'm going to go find Asuma-Sensei and see if he wants to go cloud watching. I know Ino and Choji are busy today." Shikamaru shrugged his shoulders.

"Just be back in time to herd the deer." Shikaku reminded the two.

"Hai Tou-San." They sang before stacking their empty plates in the sink, with waves at the two adults the two Genin left the Nara compound for the day.

"The fur ball finally woke up and told me he did a space time jutsu and all this is real." Narumi reported to Shikamaru as they walked into the village.

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