Chapter Nine

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"Are you just going to keep sleeping?" Shikamaru was currently poking Narumi's whiskered cheek, he had woken up a few moments ago and Asuma had gone to go get his father and the other Jounin's leaving the two alone in the infirmary.

"I'm up, I'm up!" Narumi blearily opened her eyes. "You okay?"

"I've been better, but I've also been worse so I'm somewhere in the middle I think." Shikamaru gently touched his injured shoulder. "This is going to make my fight against Kin so much more troublesome."

"I think the whole thing went rather well… So what parts should we omit?" Narumi asked as she swung her legs over the side of the bed and locked eyes with the Nara.

"We omit the part about you using Kurama's charka, me finally killing Kabuto and you slicing off Orochimaru's arm." Shikamaru said and Narumi nodded her head in agreement.

"How did it feel to get rid of that bastard once and for all?" Narumi asked.

"…Amazing, I hate killing, but he deserved it. Without him at the snake's side we can at least hope the reanimations of our allies and enemies never will happen." Shikamaru stated. "If we do need the power of the Hokage's then I know the jutsu..."

The two fell silent as the doors swung open as the Sandaime, their sensei's and a few other familiar elite Jounin's entered.

"How are you two feeling today?" Sandaime asked kindly.

"Stiff." Shikamaru said as he gingerly rotating his injured wrist.

"Tired." Narumi rubbed her eyes and Shikamaru just snorted.

"Like a true Nara." Shikamaru teased and Narumi stuck her tongue out at him.

"So you and Shikamaru-Kun are close Naru-Chan?" Kakashi asked innocently.

"She lives at my house now so I'm going to say yes." Shikamaru answered as Narumi rubbed her head while chuckling.

"I wasn't aware of this…" Sandaime took the time to really look at Narumi and guilt stabbed at him when he saw that the Genin had grown taller and was filling out to a healthy size. All because she was in a loving household where they made sure she was well rested and fed, in a few weeks the Nara's did what he couldn't for 12 years.

"Are we going to talk about what happened now or can I go back to sleep?" Narumi asked curiously. "I don't really want to talk, but I did say we would when Shikamaru woke up and I never go back on my word."

"Let's start on how you knew that Orochimaru was in the Forest of Death." Sandaime said as the group settled down in chairs.

Narumi moved over on her bed and Shikamaru silently slid into the empty space, their shoulders and thigh's touching. Narumi gently curled her hand around Shikamaru's injured wrist; very subtly sending her charka into the Nara to help the healing process alongside her own stab wound that was already closing up. The two noticed the looks they were getting from the others, but they couldn't care less. The two needed to be in contact with each other to prove to them selves that they are both alive and breathing.

"Team Seven was attacked by a high power Futon: Daitoppa [Wind Style: Great Breakthrough] that no Genin in this exam should be able to produce. That was the first tip off; the second one was when I was separated from the other two a giant snake tried to swallow me. After killing it causing it to disappear, it made sense it was a summons. The only two-snake summoner's are Anko-San and Orochimaru, the Snake Sannin. Anko-San was one of our proctors and would never attack us so Orochimaru was the only logical choice. I created a Kage Bunshin to inform Shikamaru before I went back to Team Seven. I told them to meet up with Team Ten and to tell you all that Orochimaru was in the forest." Narumi explained, it sounded very plausible and the Jounin's were nodding. This lined up with what the Genin's had told them.

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