Chapter Twenty Six --- Epilogue

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~Three Years Later~

Shikamaru Nara was sitting on his favorite hill overlooking the village, the clouds above slowly inching their way across the vast blue sky. He let a soft smile cross his lips as he breathed in deeply; things had been peaceful and perfect since the Danzo incident and the fallout of everything they revealed, but it only served to strengthen the bonds of the village and the other villages in the Five Nations.

"Sorry I'm late Shika" Narumi Uzumaki-Namikaze (officially recognized as a Namikaze now) called out, waving her right arm in the air as she hurried over to her best friend's side, dropping gracefully on the green grass beside the Nara letting out an exhausted sigh.

"At least you made it in one piece, what happened this time?" Shikamaru asked amused at the look Narumi had on her face.

"Once we finished training, Sakura had dragged Lee off for their date and I also went on a date with sasuke-teme. Sai disappeared with Yamato-Taicho to attend his rehab with the others, Sai attempted a smile today and it didn't freak us out so I think he's making progress." Narumi explained and Shikamaru smiled a bit at those words.

"Then after the date Kakashi decided he wanted to test his Raiton: Rasengan against my RasenShuriken, butthankfully before we could Obito showed up with Iruka-Sensei in tow. Apparently they were late to a meeting so they dragged Kakashi off after saying Itachi wouldn't be there as he was currently with Sasuke after spying on my and sasuke's date with Baa-Chan and Ero-Sannin ofcourse. I then had to run across the rooftops to avoid my fanboys and Neji as he was still pissed off by my latest prank. I'm exhausted, even fighting a war didn't leave me this tired." Narumi finished the summary of her day.

"Sounds like an average day around the village." Shikamaru laughed as he leaned back on the grass next to the blonde. "Where's Kurama?"

"Oh he's playing with some of the kid's at the park, not of his own will mind you, but when he's that small he can't exactly get away from the kids." Narumi laughed loudly as she remembered the horror on Kurama's furry face when he was dragged away by a group of pre-academy students.

"Things sure have changed haven't they?" Shikamaru smiled fondly.

"Yeah, they sure have." Narumi smiled softly, closing her cerulean eyes.

The two Chunin's lay in comfortable silence, they could easily be Kage level (or higher in Narumi's case) by now, but they decided they wanted to be Chunin's for a while and not have to deal with the extra work that came with being higher ranks. Unofficially when they were sent on missions they were the unspoken leaders of the groups and those missions always were successes, in one way or another and they were also used as advisor's (mainly Shikamaru as Narumi still managed to escape when people came after her with questions about plans) when major problems were encountered.

The Konoha 12 were all being trained differently than any previous teams, they were being trained by the best of the best. Tsunade had also created a new academy program (getting rid of the horrible sensei's as well, basically a total re-haul that only Iruka-Sensei had came out unscathed from), training them better and harder than before, giving everyone a chance even people who had no access to their Charka like Lee.

Tsunade had stayed on as Godaime Hokage while the past Hokage's all decided they would teach ninja's they deemed worthy, there were quite a few of them and every single one of them were getting stronger and stronger as days passed. The past Hokage's and their wives also decided to live normal lives and only went on missions when it was 100% necessary for them to be apart of them.

Minato and Jiraiya had cheerfully removed the caged bird mark from all members of the branch family of the Hyuga clan against the Elder's wishes. Said Elders were taken out of power by the combination of Hiashi Hyuga and Tsunade so then the two branches had merged together no longer defined by main and branch families.

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