Chapter Twenty One

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"A war?" Minato's head snapped to look at his daughter, on guard.

"Kind of…" Shikamaru rubbed his neck before he sighed.

"What nations are involved?" Hashirama asked worriedly.

"…It is not going to involve any nations if we have a say in it. It will however involve Madara Uchiha, Obito Uchiha, Black and White Zetsu and the Goddess Kaguya. Trust us, they can and will destroy the five nations if they get the chance. We are here to stop them before they can." Narumi said, her voice dark and firm.

"Madara Uchiha huh?" Hashirama ran a hand over his face as he absorbed the words.

"Obito? Obito is dead Narumi." Minato spoke up confused, his voice sad as he spoke of his dead student.

"He did not die that day, he was found by Madara Uchiha and Zetsu. His mind was warped and filled with hatred, he unfortunately saw Kakashi kill Rin and he was overcome by her death without knowing the reason behind it. He let him self be completely taken over by Madara and Zetsu's teachings. He is still in there and can be reached, but it will be difficult." Naru6 explained gravely.

"If the Obito I knew is still there then I will get him back." Minato said, eyes flashing showing his determination.

"Now I know where you get it from." Shikamaru whispered to Narumi, the blonde just elbowed the Nara.

"This is going to be an uncover operation, no nation is to find out about what is going to happen in the next hours. In time they will become the Allied Shinobi Forces, but I rather it not happen during a war." Narumi made eye contact with each person in the room seeing agreement and some confusion to his words there.

"Hiruzen Sarutobi, my student. Is he here?" Tobirama spoke up suddenly.

"Ah Jiji? He is still back in the village with Ero-Sennin and Baa-Chan; I believe he is currently training Sasuke." Narumi said and Tobirama relaxed hearing his student was alive and well.

"Speaking of Sasuke, don't worry about him anymore Itachi. He knows the truth about the Uchiha Massacre and is training to get stronger so you can come home to him, so you don't have to be a missing nin to protect him any longer." Narumi explained; Itachi blinked in shock at Narumi's words before he smiled a bit and Minato growled at the mention of a massacre and muttered under his breath about Danzo.

"You should get the others, we'll meet you at the battle field." Shikamaru spoke up and Narumi nodded as dhe pulled out a three-pronged Kunai with a Hiraishin seal on the handle. She handed it to Shikamaru who attached it to his belt beside Asuma's trench knives and stepped away from the blonde.

"I'll meet you at the battle field Shika." Narumi gave Shikamaru an ANBU salute before she disappeared in a flash of yellow and orange.

"That was the Hiraishin!" Kushina gasped as he looked at her husband who was staring at the three-pronged Kunai on Shikamaru's belt.

"Narumi learned it?" Minato asked Shikamaru.

"Not only did she master the Hiraishin, he mastered the Rasengan in a week and then perfected it by adding in her Charka nature Futon." Shikamaru said bragging about his Hokage.

"Narumi." Minato smiled bright and proudly.

"Konan-San, could you bring down the shrine? We need to get moving." Shikamaru turned to the Ame woman who nodded and held her arms up. The shrine around the group turned to pieces of paper that reattached them selves to her outstretched arms, the former Hokage's looking impressed.

Shikamaru then led the group down a path in the forest towards the battlefield.

"Who did Narumi go to get?" Kushina asked as she held hands with her husband, happy she could be near him once more.

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