(1) The nightmares (1)

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"Do you ever have nightmares? Like... repetitive ones? I guess I should probably explain a little more."

"Well uh... it starts with me in a boat. Not a cool big one either, a small little dingy boat. I've got no one with me, no oars. I'm stuck drifting in a big black ocean of tar. But... but I never seem afraid! In fact, it makes me feel brave. It feels... it feels as if I'm the captain of the boat. Like, I'm a fearless adventurer and no one could ever stop me."

"Anyways, the sky is dark... If you could even describe it as a sky. It's all just... gray."

"I'm just drifting out. Doing nothing in particular until the ocean starts to rise. I panic, of course! This thick black... goo is going to swallow me and the SS Palette whole! I look around this little boat frantically, looking for anything to keep us afloat... but there is always nothing."

"Of course the water starts to pour in... if it's even considered water. It was thick and sticky. Like... like swamp water or something. Anyways, I try to use my hands to scoop it out but soon my bones are completely stained black! It sticks to the gaps, to my sleeves and everything."

"I try kicking it out, but it latches onto my boot like a fricken' parasite! So of course, I slip and fall on my back. This stuff is as slippery as it is dark. My boat continues to sink."

"I try to sit up, but it's as if it's attached itself to my back, binding me to the boat. I struggle, I try to yell out for help. But who's gonna help you out in the ocean really? As I keep struggling against this strong... oil, I keep yelling as it covers my entire body. Of course, it's not long until it gets into my mouth."

"It's disgusting, it's the worst thing I've ever tasted. I try spitting it out, coughing it out but that never works. Soon I'm swallowing the stuff and I can feel my insides churn at it. It's literally so gross that my body wants to reject it instantly, but then it seeps up to my nose. I try holding my breath, but my need for air is desperate and I breathe it in."

"The tar, it always burns my lungs and my throat as I suffocate in my boat. I choke, being strangled by whatever this is. At this point I'm crying, pretty pathetic I know. All I can think of is 'get me out of this damn boat! I don't want to die, I don't want my parents seeing me like this. I don't want to die yet!"

"My vision gets blurry as I can physically feel this disgusting tar fill my lungs with its thick goo. My body contorts as I struggle to get out, at this point my bones grow tired... Soon, I give up. Me and my boat sink to the bottom, being completely engulfed in an ocean of grease."

"It doesn't end there. As I'm drowning in an ocean, I can see something glimmering. It looks like... a crown? My dad's crown at least, but a little different. It has this... moon on it. It seems to be a little bigger at least. I try swimming towards it, pushing what little strength I have to get to it. But before I can reach it, my body goes limp. I feel everything fade to an isolating black."

"And that's about it anyways." Palette smiles, shrugging. He finally looked his friends in the face. They didn't look happy; in fact, they seemed extremely concerned. His two brothers Blueprint and Paperjam stared at him in bewilderment. Palette's smile faded as he saw the expressions. Oh, had he really described it that dramatically?

"Palette... that's.." His best friend and confidant Goth started. His red scarf stuck out from his white clothes, a singular pupil searching for any sign of distress on Palette's face.

"That's fucked up." Paperjam crossed his arm, stating the fact quite bluntly. The youngest of the group, Blueprint nodded frantically.

"That sounds terrifying! Is it as vivid as you really say it is?" He asked, tilting his head in a worried manner.

|| Captain Palette AU| | "I need to find that crown" ||Where stories live. Discover now