(6) The mourning (6)

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Palette felt the air get sucked and caught in his throat as he fell violently through the void. He clung onto Broomie as he felt his hat immediately shoot off his head from the force of.. Gravity? The wind? He wasn't entirely sure.

A noise so curious and bizarre rung through his head as he fell. It sounded like boops and beeps... no, glitches? But, not glitches like uncle Error glitched.. But, just general glitchiness in general.

Palette's clothes and sleeves waved widely as he screwed his eyes tightly. This was a trick! Sans was trying to kill him!... Or something... To be entirely honest, he had no idea what this was!

With his soul thumping out of his ribcage, he fell for what seemed to be a few eternity's he suddenly fell flat against ground.

The whiplash from being in the air to suddenly being squashed onto warm rock was extremely unpleasant. In fact, that's the heaviest understatement of the century. It was awful. Palette laid there in silence. He was almost too shocked to move.

Suddenly the wind was replaced by an uncomfortable humidity in there air as thick heat hung in the oxygen. It made the transition from a snowy town to the sweltering... Whereever he was difficult.

Palette was about to get up, before he felt something land perfectly onto his head. It was his hat. He sighed with relief, emptying his lungs and filling them with the thick air.

Palette looked down, realising Broomie had broken his fall. He got up, nervously.

"Ah! B-.. Broomie I'm so sorry!" He apologized. Had Broomie done that purposefully or did he just land on top of it? Perhaps we'll never know.

The teenager looked around. Suddenly a red atmosphere covered the horizon. Small red rocks had scattered around Palette and trailed up to a even larger building than before.

Large, pristine metal walls climbed upwards as far as he cared to look. Two pipes lead from outside of the building only to reconnect inside of it higher. But, what made it obvious where he was was the sign in front of him which read in large bold red letters

'L A B'.

"Hm. Like a science lab. This has gotta be the right place."

Palette had no idea that classic undertale also had a lab, so the very thoughtful of him teleporting to the wrong AU hadn't occurred to him. Thankfully he didn't as he approached the door, a skeleton stood before him.

A Sans that looked somewhat identical to the one he had met just moments ago had his back turned towards the door as he watched something on a screen. Large animated girls fighting a monster in sparkly dresses and glittery hair. Their outfits are all identical other than the color.

"Cool, you're back Alph. Sailor Moon just did her transformation, you didn't really miss much. That transition has gotta take a while I must say." This Sans seemed ever more energetic, not over the top like his uncle Blue but he spoke a lot more than the Sans he had met before.

"Do you think the bad guys just stand there staring at her while she dan-..." He turned around to face Palette at the door, for a moment there was an awkward silence which was broken up by Japanese yelling.

The scientist wore a large white coat, goggles sitting on top of his head. He stared at Palette, almost confused about his existence. Then, the silence was interrupted.

"Uh... Can I help you?" He asked, arching an eyebrow. Palette snapped out of his analytical daze.

"Uh! Palette Roller. Classic told me to tell you he sent me? If you understand what that means..." Palette attempted to give a welcoming smile, but Science's exhausted expression made it difficult to leave a good impression.

|| Captain Palette AU| | "I need to find that crown" ||Where stories live. Discover now