(5) The door (5)

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"Uh.. I-'m.. I'm just passing by. I can understand this looks suspicious!" Palette excused himself. He gripped Broomie, pulling it off the post.

"I'm Palette, Palette roller! I'm actually Ink's son. I'm trying to get to Sciencetale so I can find a crown for my other dad Dream!" Palette stared at sans nervously. He didn't want to break eye contact and make sans suspicious that he was lying. Well... not that Palette hadn't lied throughout this entire adventure, lying seems to be a trend with him. Sans intimidated him though, who knew a stumpy skeleton could frighten him so.

Sans sighed, his pupils returning.

"Yeah, you look like-... wait did you say you're the son of Ink and.. and Dream?" His expression flashed to confusion. Palette nodded, pointing to his star eyed pupils.

"Yeah, their magic fused. Although, my dad Ink has like.. a billion other kids. He always gets me confused with them." He shrugged. Sans blinked twice, before exhaling sharply.

"I've learnt not to question Ink  and those AUs. They work off different logic than... normal logic." Sans scratched his neck.
"How do I know that you aren't working with that... error me or that... genocide survivor me?" He asked, leaning over his guard post.

"Well, uh... I guess you just gotta believe me? I mean... I don't look like trouble, do I?"

"Neither did Geno." Sans sighed. He sat up, pulling something from underneath his post. It was a bottle of ketchup, it clinked with his teeth as he gulped a drink.

"Alright Roller, what did you need?" Sans closed his eyes, laying his head against his hand. A brush of wind came by, pushing Sans's hoodie against his back.

"I'm trying to get to Sciencetale." He reiterated eagerly. Sans took a moment to enjoy the silence, he didn't really appreciate the AUs being tossed back into his life. But as long as he personally wasn't going to be pulled into this, he wouldn't mind hearing out what this strange teenager wanted.

"Sci, huh? Y'know, I've gotta ask. Why Sciencetale?" Sans asked, tilting his head.
"We're basically the same person, any specific reason why I can't help you and you can get out of my hair quicker considering I don't have any?" Sans's low voice was smooth. His blank smile never ceasing.

"Well, Uh... What do you know about my dad? Dream, at least. I don't know much about the AUs because... I wasn't ever really allowed to explore them outside of the few my dad did let me" Sans took another gulp, thinking for a moment.

"Now that you mention it. I guess I dunno a lot about Dream so I can't help yah too much, there. It sure would be a nightmare to deal with his constant energy though." Sans joked. Palette giggled, not fully understanding it but appreciating the attempt nonetheless. Some more wind blew against the two.

"I do know that he is the Guardian of positivity."

"Everyone knows that." Palette sighed. This guy was no help. Sans lazily shrugged, he couldn't be bothered being of actual help.

"Well. Why aren't you allowed to explore the AUs? You don't have reality ripping powers that can destroy the next four timelines?" Sans questioned suspiciously, Palette laughed lightly.

"Oh man I wish. I don't think any of us have that power to be honest. I guess the closest would be PJ? Considering he's both Ink and Error's son, but he can't destroy an AU permanentl-"

"Woah woah hold on!" Sans raised a hand, silencing the young teenager.

"I thought you said Ink and Dream were your parents. Are you saying Ink and Error of all people have a kid!?" Sans couldn't help but laugh a little at the thought. Error?... And Ink? Didn't those two despise each other? In fact.. Wasn't Ink ace?

|| Captain Palette AU| | "I need to find that crown" ||Where stories live. Discover now