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"Would you like any help with that, Paperjam?" Goth offered, levitating his body upwards slightly.

"I can do it myself." Paperjam muttered as he stuck the Christmas lights around the treehouse with paint. The colors of green and red illuminated the small area, Palette clapped excitedly.

"Alright, scarf sanses! Group up once PJ is done." Palette crackled his knuckles, excited for the secret Santa. Over in the corner sat four presents, all of them neatly wrapped. The young captain had prepared a small activity before the scarf sanses departed for the holidays. Surely they wouldn't see each other until the large holiday Christmas party at the end of every year, so this was sort of a 'merry Christmas until then'.

"I'm basically already done." Paperjam responded as he stood back slightly, impressed his paint was holding up the lights.

"Cool! Alright, let's start!" Palette giggled excitedly, sitting besides Goth.

Blueprint grabbed the group of presents, dumping them onto the table in front of them. Blueprint's festive accessory was a pair of woolen antlers that sat upon his head attached via a green headband. Goth fashioned a classic red and green themed scarf while Paperjam couldn't have put in less effort, simply changing into a plain red and green sweater with small gingerbread patterns around the front. Palette, however, went all out. He decked a festive hat, tinsel wrapped around his sleeves, bells attached to his sleeves. He looked like a dork, but he certainly knew how to bring festive cheer.

"This one is for.. Goth! Oh, this is mine." Blueprint blurted. The oldest face planted.

"You idiot. You're not supposed to tell anyone!" Paperjam scolded his younger brother, who rolled his eyes in response. Goth gave a light hearted chuckle.

"Oh I knew, don't worry. It's not very difficult to decipher considering he came up and was all 'Oh, if someone were to get you something for Christmas, what would you want? Not me though, I'm not your secret Santa'. It was pretty funny." Goth smiled warmly.

Paperjam sent a salty look at Blueprint, who sent the expression right back to him. Goth happily unwrapped the present, inside was a small pristine trinket box.

"Oh? Why did you ask for that?" Palette asked, glancing up at his friend.

"I wanted to start collecting little treasures. Just small trinkets that remind me of certain memories, with you guys, with my parents, with my siblings. It'll be nice to look back on one day." Goth explained with a quiet voice as he held the small box with tender hands. The box itself had an intricate design amongst its glass walls, a beautiful red rose lined in crimson glass made the slick white colouring pop.

"Jesus, Print. How much was that?" Paperjam raised an eyebrow.

"That's for me to know, and for you to die not knowing." Print smirked, finally one-upping his brother. Goth smiled.

"Thanks, Printy. I appreciate it." Goth smiled, Blueprint gave a nod and a jolly smile.

"Alright, the uh.. next one is to Palette." Paperjam tossed a random package to his sibling. Palette caught it with ease, tearing ferociously at the package. He stopped when he found the inside.

Underneath the wrapping was a small bracelet. It was decorated in small charms and beads. One blue, one a bright magenta, one red and one a yellow-ish green. Some golden and silver charms were of small souls, ironically, a small paint brush, a little rainbow and two little beads which read 'SS' . Palette gasped excitedly, putting it on instantly. His sleeves jingled in excitement.

"Woah! This is perfect! Who did this?" Palette looked around excitedly. Indicating from the purple blush from Goth's face which was quickly hidden behind a scarf, it was him.

"God you guys suck at keeping it secrets."

"Aww! Gothy!" Palette hugged the teenager tightly. Goth laughed a little from the unexpected, tight hug.

"I'm glad you like it." Goth sighed a little, patting Palette's head.

"Ew, barf. Get a room you too." Paperjam spoke bluntly before tossing a package to Blueprint.

"So, through ways of elimination. This is either Palette or Paperjam's gift." Blueprint muttered as he gently and carefully unwrapped the present. A dirty glare instantly shot to his oldest brother as a pink fuzzy diary revealed itself.

Paperjam let out a snort, trying not to laugh. He looked away, trying to hide his smile behind his hand.

"Wow, Palette. Could you be any more insulting?" He snickered. Palette looked over at his older brother, confused, having yet to let go of his best friend.

"What? I didn't buy for Print. I bought for you." Palette glanced at the gift in Blueprint's hands. Ah. Of course.

There was nothing more insulting to the kid who couldn't keep a secret than to get him a fuzzy pink diary. Blueprint placed his boot on the table, launching himself onto his older brother.

"You asshole!" Print yelled as he tackled Paperjam to the ground, who was cackling like a villain.

Palette sighed, shaking his head. He watched Blueprint and Paperjam tussel across the floor like true brothers.

"Dude! Dude! I know it's an insult but there was genuine thought behind it I swear!" Paperjam laughed, Blueprint angrily huffed. Goth rolled his eyes.

"I highly doubt that." He muttered to Palette who giggled a bit in response.

"Dude, I know keeping secrets overwhelms you. So.. I got you something to spill onto. Sure, I got you the pink one to make fun of you, but like.. I promise it's not a whole fuck-you. It's just half. It's just a fuck, not a fuck you. Just a fuck." Paperjam confessed.

Blueprint blinked in response, a little confused. Why would Paperjam do something so... kind? Blueprint got off his older brother, angrily facing away.

"Hey, think positively Printy. This could be used to jot down your story ideas." Goth gave a crooked smile. Print embarrassedly looked down at the diary, clutching it tightly.

"..Maybe." He muttered, lifting his neck scarf and mumbling shyly into his jacket. He had grown much more confident around the scarf sanses, but his stories were very personal and were not to be viewed by anyone..! Yet.

"Well. This is mine then." PJ grabbed the final package. It was tightly bundled in pretty paper. He tore at it lazily and pulled out a small basket. It was decorated with different coloured paints and chocolates. His eyes lit up as his looked at the care package.

"I know you love paint dipped chocolate, so I got you some."

"Dude! This is awesome!" Paperjam smiled, he didn't get to have his favorite food very often. It was a little unsurprising that Paperjam loved paint dipped chocolate. Ink loved paint. Error loved chocolate. To everyone else, the sweet treat was disgusting. "There's yellow and blue and green!" Paperjam unwrapped a chocolate bar and dipped it in bright green paint, before letting his three tongues wrapped around it and eating the bar whole.

"I forgot how creepy that looks." Palette shuddered, Blueprint nodded in agreement.

"Well. What else did you all want to do know?"

"Snow fight in Snowdin!"

"Oh! Which AU, Palette?" Goth asked, eager leaning towards his friend.

"Uh.. Maybe Underswap! I'm sure Dad won't mind." Blueprint smiled, Paperjam nodded.

"Yeah I can make a portal there. Alright everyone, roll out." Paperjam stood up, chewing happily on the chocolate.

|| Captain Palette AU| | "I need to find that crown" ||Where stories live. Discover now