(9) The food (9)

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Palette had no idea where Alphy's voice rung from. The fact there were so many halls and unlit walls. It made it similar to a horror game, she could literally pop up anywhere! The teenager didn't want to run too loudly, but then again, if he stayed in place... He'd definitely get caught.

Being quick on his feet, he tried to search for any hiding place. If Alphys found him, this was going to make life a lot harder for Sci! Sure, it wouldn't be detrimental but still. His blood somehow was both cold from anxiety and warm from adrenaline. He did his best to run quietly as he dashed through the halls, now being curiously followed by the amalgamations. He groaned internally. This was slowly becoming for and more of a disaster!

He was lost, of course. He had no idea how to get around this lab without getting lost, so the chance that Alphys could turn a corner and find him... it was exhilarating in the worst way. He didn't want Sci to know he had been running around and getting emotional with brushes.

He went to turn a corner, only to see Alphys's tail be dragged through a hallway from that room. He felt his soul jump into his throat. His luck was running out, it was only a matter of time before she found him.

He turned around, running back. He kept a hand clutched over his mouth so he didn't make any noises while running. He ran past the giant beta Gaster blaster, where Broomie was once laid lonesomely.

The dark tiles squeaked with every thrust of his boot, pushing him further to safety... If there was any. As he ran down the incredibly long hall, he noticed an open arc, probably where they had yet to install a door. Palette's feet skidded loudly to a stop, making an unfortunate noise.

"H-.. Hello!?" The voice was growing more nervous, almost as if it were trembling. Perhaps Alphys was just as terrified as he was. He hadn't much time left, Palette's legs took him inside yet another hallway. He had no idea where he was running. That was until he saw a shower curtain.

Almost crying in relief, he approached the curtain. That was until he saw a figure.

A spoon-like figure waving wildly in the shadow, in fact... the closer he got, the more quick it became. Palette couldn't figure out what it was doing, was it dancing? Was it attempting to bathe? He couldn't figure it out. In reluctance, he began to slow down. He could physically feel the anxiety grow inside of him like a parasite that was attempting to eat him.

By the time he was in front of the figure, he screwed his eyes shut. His boney fingers wrapped around the shower curtain and ripped it open.


Nothing happened.

Palette looked and it was as if the shadowy figure had just vanished. He gave a heavy sigh of relief, for a moment he had forgotten about Alphys.

Considering this was his only option, Palette climbed into the bath. He shut the curtain immediately, this was terrifying. He pressed himself against the bottom of the bath. The dust from what he hoped to be was time, the sewage like gunk that sat between his fingertips made him want to throw up. This was a terrifying place to be.

Palette heard the short, yet quickened thumping of stubby little feet. He was sure Alphys was coming this way. He couldn't hear what exactly but he was sure she was muttering to herself.

"Cream cheese? Are you in there?" Alphys called out the hallway, noticing the amalgamation wasn't doing his usual strange shower ritual. Cream cheese? Was that what they named the spoon-like... abomination of nature!?

Palette heard the stomps slowly become louder and louder. Identically to his own, they slowed as they approached the curtain. Alphys was definitely as scared of the mysterious person as the mysterious person was of her.

|| Captain Palette AU| | "I need to find that crown" ||Where stories live. Discover now