(10) The Moon (10)

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Palette sat, he was truly halfway through his adventure now. The hard part was getting to a technically destroyed AU. It was his best guess at where the crown was, but where could it be if it truly had been destroyed? Hm. He had to think. Broomie knew the way, but they didn't have any portal paint on them. They were quite literally sitting ducks. He rubbed his face with his hands, he had to think this through, he couldn't impulsively run off.

Well, the 'tree of life' was in the center of the multiverses... right? So, he'd just have to... fly around the AUs and not into them. He just had to be careful, the star sanses would definitely be patrolling to find him; if they weren't already on his tailbone.

"Okay, Broomie. I think I have a plan." Palette whispered to the brush, communication with the item you kidnap is important!

"If we fly across th AUs and not into them, we could probably find it? I mean, it's not like it's gonna be difficult to find a mass-murdered AU. Just... look for dust particles or something. Right?"

As if comedically timed, Broomie just happened to slip from Palette's grip and hit him lightly on the head. As if it were attempting to scold him for taking this lightly.

"Ouch! Hey, hey. What was that for!?" Palette whispered loudly, rubbing where the brush had collided with him. Of course, the brush didn't answer back. Broomie couldn't talk.

"I'm.. I guess it's just a nervous habit." Palette muttered, clutching onto the brush. Before perking up. "But I'm not nervous." He reiterated, like anyone would ever believe the bag-eyed, now significantly more cautious teenager.

He slowly took a deep breath in, the smell of the lab filled his lungs as he slowly tried to relax. He hadn't realized how clammy he felt throughout this whole ordeal. His palms were slightly sweaty and his mouth was incredibly dry. He stood up, his legs now being able to sufficiently hold his weight underneath them thanks to the meal provided by Sci, if you could consider that a meal.

Palette held Broomie gently in his hands as he set off to find the exit of this maze of a lab.

"Where are you going?" Sci questioned, raising his head from the amalgamation. Palette stopped, attempting to look confident.

"I'm gonna go outside to travel around the AUs. I hav-"

"No. Wait, we don't know if Alphys is still watching her anime. We just got to clear the area. So, do you know how you're getting to your father's old AU?" Sci asked, pressing his hands together.

"Yeah, instead of flying straight to it, we'll fly around the AUs since we don't have any portal paint." Palette explained with a smile, Sci returned Palette a dead look. He really, really didn't approve of the boy's plan. But, who was to say that Palette might not be onto something?

"Will you not get caught by the star sanses?" He asked.

"I hope not. I'm just gonna be extra careful."

Sci gave, can you guess? Yet another sigh. This entire day had been so uneventful until this youth showed up and now he was being tossed back into the mess he didn't want to clean up.

"Alright, but be sure to take care. Going around the AUs will take a lot longer than going through them." Palette smiled, hugging Sci tightly. Sci leapt back at the touch before awkwardly patting him on the head. He didn't do kids, let alone teenagers.

Sci led Palette out of the lab, which is somewhere he planned on never returning to again. Some amalgamations stared as the strange being left, he could've swore he swore one wave goodbye.

"Stay here. Do not make a sound." Sci said as he dragged Palette back up to the now more brightly coloured lab. Sci glanced around, hiding the teenager behind his figure as he looked around.

|| Captain Palette AU| | "I need to find that crown" ||Where stories live. Discover now