(8) the fear (8)

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He thought long, hard. How was he going to convince someone like him to come home?

Other than the crown being a nod to his past self, maybe Palette could bring him a gift? What kind of gift would Nightmare like?

Palette glances around. There was probably nothing worthy of a gift here... other than... dust and.. Whatever those creatures are. Palette had to keep his spirits up, he couldn't succumb now. He had come so far.

He had no idea where Dream was, or if Ink had any way to travel around the AUs... Was it probably a dick move to steal Ink's favorite thing in the world and his only way of transporting through the AUs? Yeah... But, Ink would understand... right?

His brothers and Goth seemed to be so excited to see him fly off into the air as well. A smile grew on his face as he remembered the expressions of his family as he burst through the portal, leaving them in the dust. They probably got their butts handed to them after he left. Ink looked like he was about to kill someone.

Which made Palette wonder how Fresh ended up finding out about their plan? Or was it some crazy coincidence? Knowing Fresh, Palette would probably never get an answer to that question. He shook his head, looking down at his shoes once again.

He focused on happy thoughts, trying to think positively about the next step. He could only imagine the smile upon his dad's face when he brings Nightmare home, when he returns Broomie and comes back with even more life experiences and friends than before.

His soul swelled with the thought of a happy ending. But.. Was it realistic? What if Dream didn't like Nightmare anymore? What if Nightmare wouldn't go home?... What if he didn't want to get to know Palette at all?

No! You just said not to dwell on sadness Palette!

The teenager frantically slapped his cheeks lightly with his hands, trying to snap himself out of such a miserable mindset. Perhaps being alone with his thoughts wasn't as easy as he thought.

He sighed, had he always been so.. Negative?... In fact, when was the last time he didn't try to plaster a smile onto his face? Before the nightmares, probably.

Palette zoned back into reality as he glanced around, noting his surroundings.

He stood up, brushing himself off. Palette couldn't really see where he was going, without having a rushed Sci to guide him, he didn't have any lights on him.

The thought of lights reminded the youngling of the time that for Blueprint's birthday, Paperjam went through the trouble to get him those...What were they called? Light up sneakers? From one of the AUs already post-pacifist run. Blueprint took it insultingly, since they were probably half.. No.. Quadruple half his feet size. Probably to make fun of him being the youngest of the group. 

His laughter from that memory rung out across the dark room, bouncing across every decaying furniture in the lab. Palette quickly clasped his hand over his mouth, remembering he was supposed to stay quiet, a smile on his face nonetheless.

The memory of the three goofballs who had supported him until this point gave Palette a surge of determination. He had to find Nightmare and bring him home, if not for Dream, but for them they believed in him and he wouldn't let them down.

He began to tip toe through the darkened halls of the laboratory. He was sure he'd run into Broomie one way or another. He even attempted to call out.

"Broomie? I'm sorry that I passed out! I know this adventure hasn't been fun for you.. But I promise I'll make it up to you!" He whispered loudly, cupping his hand to his mouth and trying to make sure his voice didn't ring too loudly.

|| Captain Palette AU| | "I need to find that crown" ||Where stories live. Discover now