(11) The Paint (11)

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"How have things been while I've been exploring?" Palette smiled, as he spoke quietly. He leaned against his younger brother who sighed exasperatedly.

"It's been hell." He muttered, leaning against Palette.

"You were the glitter glue that held everything together, Pal." Paperjam shook his head.

"These two love to argue and I hate being peacemaker." Goth shook his head. He was usually the one stirring up the most trouble within the group, albeit he hadn't been able to truly shine. His mischievous side had been overshadowed by a forced maternal role which he really didn't fit.

"Thanks Gothy, you guys have kept me going throughout this whole thing!" Palette spoke earnestly, putting a hand to where his soul would've laid in his ribcage. He looked at them with a soft expression.

"Where did you send Palette?" Blueprint looked over at his older brother. Paperjam gave a slight, cocky smile.

"I sent him somewhere our parents would've never guessed." Paperjam stretched out his hands and gave a slight groan. He was so proud that he kept Palette away from the star sans for so long.

"..He sent me to the original AU." Palette explained to Blueprint who returned a funny look.

"Original AU? Like... Undertale? Paperjam! Why would you send him to an AU that isn't connected to Sciencetale?" Blueprint scolded.

"Because it is, you have no idea about the AUs!" Paperjam threw his hands up in defense, yelling back. Palette immediately clapped his hands together, silencing his two brothers.

"Paperjam! Instead of yelling at Blueprint back, explain." Palette started before turning to Blueprint.

"C'mon Blueprint, have a little more faith. Paperjam knows way more. I got to Sciencetale in the end." The peacemaker sighed sharply, throwing his head back.

"It turns out the four AUs; Sciencetale, Undertale, Genotale and whatever Error came from are all connected through these... AU doors." Palette explained, gesturing with his hands and making a door with his fingers.

"I ran out of paint magic, which is.. what you're made out of PJ." Palette glanced over at the eldest of the group. PJ instinctively grabbed his head blobs, protectively.

"No way are you grabbing my damn magic Palette!" He snapped. Palette blinked.

"What? No! I don't want your magic, I was just stating a fact!" He shook his head. Paperjam froze for a moment and eventually let his blobs release. The way Palette worded it made it sound like he was about to steal some of PJ's form.

"Anyways, running into you guys is perfect! I need to get more paint to get to Dreamtale." Palette explained. The trio exchanged looks, noticing Blueprint's face was a lot more reluctant.

"I mean... you already stole Broomie." Paperjam's eyes lit up thievously, Goth glanced over.

"Hm, I dunno Paperjam. Palette's already in deep trouble. We don't want him to be killed when he comes back." Goth spoke cautiously.

"Exactly! Besides, we didn't steal Broomie!" Blueprint exclaimed desperately. Paperjam looked over.

"I'd open a portal to you there but I've never been there and can't visualize it.  Besides, to give you enough Paint to get you to the centre of the multiverse, I'd have to give you my entire arm. If not more." Paperjam explained.

"Can't you harness it? Aren't you made of paint?" Goth questioned. He probably already knew this, but he had to make sure.

"I can, but not as well as PJ can. PJ is made of it way more than I am." Palette gestured over to his older brother. "Obviously. Besides, I'm focusing on harnessing positive energy." Palette explained to Goth.

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