(3) The start (3)

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He knew. He knew Dream was gonna go on a massive tangent because of nightmares. But, maybe Palette could get some information out of his dad before he left. Currently, he was sat on the floor of the doodlesphere as Dream paced back and forth, nervously rambling.

"When you told me nothing was wrong, I took it as you didn't want to tell me. Which is totally understandable! I'm the guardian of positivity, right? So I understand that not everyone wants to relive what they go through immediately after they experience it. Let them be in a safe environment, y'know? But nightmares!? Why didn't you tell me!? This is bad Palette, really really bad! You're lucky that Paperjam fessed up when he did!... are you even listening to me?!"

"Mhm..." The son replied sleepily. He had to admit, this was probably the first time he wasn't actually paying attention to Dream. He'd been acting like a totally different person ever since the nightmares started and it worried Dream to his stomach. He didn't want to tell Palette about... him. He really didn't want to. It was best to keep all the children safe and contained before they enter the horrific world of the AUs.

"You know I've always tried to keep you safe, I've always tried to keep you and your friends safe! But lying and pretending that everything is fine when everything is not fine will quite literally put you in danger in the real world!" Dream scolded, he was not prepared for what Palette said next.

"... isn't that your job?"


"Pretending everything is fine when it's not. I wonder where I inherited that from." Palette muttered, looking down at the floor. Dream felt anger boil inside him, that had really aggravated him but he took a deep breath, collecting himself.

"You don't mean that. You're tired, you've been hanging around your friend and your brothers who have been influencing you and you're frustrated. I understand that." Dream spoke with a voice as smooth and as warm as honey.

"Dad, no one has been influencing me! Sure, I've been hanging around them a little more but they've been really good with me! I have fun! They fill me with positivity." Positivity. That was Dream's word. His eye twitched and sighed. They still didn't know how positivity affected Palette but, sometimes there is good positivity.

"Palette, neither of us have been... entirely honest with each other." Dream nervously played with his gloves. Palette nodded, silence fell between the two.

"How about I cut you a deal, you tell me about your nightmares and I'll tell you something you want to know." Dream didn't like deals, but this was probably a good stepping stone to being more open with each other.

Palette thought for a moment, then nodded.

"So uh.. In my Dre-"

"Do not call it that, child. Call it what it is. A nightmare." Dream's voice suddenly turned cold, strict. Palette blinked and look at his dad, grimacing at the sudden change in demeanour, Dream noticed the sudden reluctance and let up. He relaxed a little, sighing.

"I'm sorry, call it whatever you'd like." He whispered, fidgeting with his gloves again. Palette reluctantly nodded.

"Basically it starts off with me in a little boat. I don't have any oars and I'm just.. chilling." Palette started, looking at his dad for permission to continue.

"You're not scared?" Dream asked, tilting his head. Palette smiled a little, shaking his head.

"Actually, I'm anything but scared. I feel excited. Like I'm the captain of the boat. Like I'm setting out for adventure and ... and nothing can hold me back." Palette described whimsically. Dream felt little droplets of happiness radiate from his child.

|| Captain Palette AU| | "I need to find that crown" ||Where stories live. Discover now