(7) The next step (7)

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Palette woke up feeling queasy. He, for the first time in forever, had a dreamless slumber. The young skeleton's chin quivered as he slowly regained consciousness. He felt as if his world had just crashed around him. It probably did, indicating from the headache.

The first thing he felt was the sensation of a soft pillow against his head, as someone or... something pulled a blanket slowly onto his body. Again, he wasn't used to having blankets and pillows since he preferred to sleep on his own items... but this felt warm, comforting.

For once in this entire adventure, he de-tensed. He could tell his hat had been removed from his head, but for some strange reason he didn't mind feeling so vulnerable. It must be from the feeling of being tucked in. The smell of dusty blankets that hadn't been used in what was probably considered years made the feeling all the much stranger.

That's when he felt it. A strange... pat. On the head. He hadn't felt anything like it. The texture was... smooth. Like a spoon rubbing onto his skull? He opened an eye as he stirred, only to launch out of the sheets to be faced with a white... ghost!?

It's long body with no limbs other than an incredibly thin, shaky and most importantly... out stretched hand frightened the poor skeleton. Staring into the face (or lack of) of the monster, it sent frightening chills down his spine.

He had sent himself flying with a yelp, colliding to another bed beside him. He let out a cough as dust particles covered his vision. He let out a quick sneeze before looking up to where the mysterious being was, only to realize it was no longer there.

Only now had he realized how alone he was within this lab. He had no idea where sci was and the howls of mysterious creatures made Pal's bones rattle with anxiety. He noticed his cap was sitting upon the rounded knob of the bed. He frantically gripped it, slapping it on his head. At this point he should just glue it onto his damn skull. As long as he had his hat, he felt invincible.

"Broomie?... Mr Science?" Palette asked, nervously clutching his chest. The only thing that responded was the giggles of inhumane.. No.. Inmonster monsters? He felt as if he were vulnerable on every side. Nervously, he raised his fists... he didn't really know how to fight all that well, but Palette wasn't going to let some spooky ghost scare him!

As if perfect timing, Palette could physically feel a being form next to him. He let out another terrified yell as a melting monster formed next to him, saying indescribable words.

"Hey! Hey, I got your food!" A familiar voice sounded, a rattle of a food bag could be heard. The droopy looking monster followed the sound, leaving Palette to breathe.

"Kid, you alright?" Spoke sci as he watched the amalgamation trail off after the scent of food.

"W...What is that!?" He asked, gulping nervously. Sci sighed, shaking his head.

"Mistakes mashed together in one but, I'm not talking about that... I mean how are you doing? You literally passed out on me, had me worried for a second." Sci spoke softly, almost as if he was worried Palette would pass out again.

There was no joy to be felt currently, so his energy levels were down, similar to before he left.

"Ah.. I feel fine." Palette felt the words get caught in his throat. He wasn't fine. For once in his life, Palette was not okay. He hadn't been okay for a long time.

"I just... I had no idea." He muttered, gently rubbing his face with his hands.

"You look hungry, have you eaten anything recently?.. Or slept? You look like Alphys." Sci questioned, placing a boney hand on Palette's shoulder. Palette shrugged it off.

"I'll be fine. I can keep going." Palette tried to give another smile.

"No. You can't. You just got some shocking news. Your running off... emergency fuel. Right now... I'll make you up some.. Stars, I don't even know what we have right now." Sci scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Would you care for some dog food?" He joked nervously, gesturing over to where  the monster vanished to. Palette laughed lightly, feeling a slight boost of energy running through his bones.

"I guess.. Maybe some water? If... Thats not too much of a bother." Sci shook his head.

"Nope. I'm gonna bring you something edible. Then, while you eat, we can.. I'm not sure." Sighed Sci, as he vanished through a hall. He yelled out.
"Stay here! Alphys doesn't know you're down here and I don't need her to know about the AUs."

"Poor girl has enough on her plate already." Muttered the skeleton as he whisked past a few feasting amalgamations.

Palette sighed, sitting down on the rusty bed.

He had no idea where Broomie was, but now was probably a good time to... reflect.

He never imagined himself here. He was lost amongst the AUs, worried about getting home. He had no friends to encourage him, no family to look after him while he traveled. He had to rely on his wit and courage. He had no idea where that map that PJ gave him went. It was probably lost.. Or destroyed.

Palette felt the sense of guilt, loneliness chew at his very soul. His chest becoming heavy with the fear of what's to come.

So.. He found out what he wanted. He now knows about his nightmares... About his dad and even made a discovery about an uncle he never knew.

He stared at the floor, his boots were not as pristine and white as before. They had been tainted by running, snow and now red rocks. Even some of the dust of this lab had climbed onto the roof of his tip. His shoes were no longer perfect, as was he.

Palette wished he had never gone on this adventure. He shouldn't have gone searching. Now? His dad will never look at him the same way. He'll never be allowed to travel to the AUs again after this.

Dream was trying to look out for him. Why did he have to go out and lie? Albeit.. He lied too but... Dad's are allowed to lie. Right? If it's for safety reasons.

But... Now Palette had his answer. The crown he kept seeing in his dreams belonged to his uncle. His uncle who went through the utmost torture and then had every piece of joy stripped away from him in self defense.

Palette felt his stomach twist again, maybe if he had stayed to eat Papyrus's spaghetti, he would've thrown up. Palette rubbed his tired eyes. Never before had he mourned someone he never met.

Now, he'd probably never got to have a relationship with Nightmare... or Nim. Who knew how many more family members he had...



Palette felt his eyes widen a bit as he toyed with the concept in his mind.

If... Nightmare was joyful once... could he be joyful again?

Would Nightmare know of his existence?... Did his uncle ever want to go back to his old life?

Palette may had gotten one of his questions answered, but now many more swirled around his head.

Dream was clearly shattered by Nightmare's transformation. What if they met again? They hadn't seen each other in... what? Five hundred long years?

The young teenager had no idea about their constant battles and the war between joy and despair. So, naturally he just assumed.

What did that crown have anything to do with it? Does it represent his old self or something? Would Nightmare still have it? Probably not... could it be in the rubble of the abandoned AU?

Palette slammed his fist down in his palm, looking up with a determined look on his face.

He knew what his next step was.

Palette was going to find that crown, return it to his uncle and with enough hope and kindness...

He was going to bring Nightmare home.

|| Captain Palette AU| | "I need to find that crown" ||Where stories live. Discover now