(2) The Plan (2)

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[a few weeks after]

His eyes shot open as he gasped for air harshly, his lungs suddenly felt empty.

Palette clutched his shirt tightly. He felt his ribcage expand with every breath and decrease with every size. He sat for a moment, his eyes burning a bright yellowish green as he trembled. He glanced down to his hands which just a moment ago, were stained an uncomfortable onyx black. He shuddered, the taste of tar had vanished as well as the nightmare. He felt the burning of tears build around his eyes. As he looked up to the empty sky of the void, he let out a sorrowful sigh. That nightmare still hadn't let up and it was getting harder for Palette to sleep.

Paperjam went to stay with Error in the antivoid, Blueprint returned with Blue to the underswap AU. Dream didn't have a home. He never had to sleep. So, Dream always left Palette in the doodlesphere to keep an eye on the AUs if Ink wasn't there.
Unfortunately, Ink had came back.

"Woah! Palette, are you alright?" Ink asked, raising an eyebrow to Palette's sudden awakening. Palette looked up at his father who sat face front from him, so Palette couldn't see what he was doodling.

"Uh... uhm... Yeah. Yeah, I'm... I'm good." Palette muttered. As he sat up. He had bundled his hat up to use as a pillow and used his jacket as a blanket. He felt clammy all of a sudden. He slid his jacket off of him as he stared at Ink who didn't believe it.

"Palette, Dream was telling me that you aren't... doing okay."

"Hm? I'm fine." Palette sighed as he grabbed his hat, plopping it onto his head. Ink blinked, his eye shape changing with each blink. He was trying to read Palette's expression as Dream would.

"Considering you just woke up gasping and trembling, I don't think you are. Did you-..." Now it was Ink's turn to gasp. He dropped his notepad and pencil to cover his mouth as if he were about to say something forbidden.

"Did... did you have a nightmare?" He asked, barely above a whisper. Palette scrunched up his face in confusion. Why was that such a big deal? He didn't want people to worry about him, that's all. It's not like a nightmare could lead to anything bad, could it?

"Uhm... no? I just... forgot to breathe. While uhh... while sleeping." Palette lied. He needed to stop lying. Ink narrowed his eyes.

"Child number 4, I was watching you sleep in order to sketch you."
Ink picked up his notepad, turning it around for Palette to see.

Ink's talent with art was unbelievable. It was as if he had taken a picture of Palette sleeping and slapped it on a page. Sure, it was a little unnerving to know your dad was staring at you while you slept like a... not like a baby, more like a... like a fly in a storm.

Palette's sleeping expression was one of stress. His eyes had been screwed shut and he clutched onto his jacket-pillow as if it was the only thing keeping him grounded. His teeth were gritted together and he was curled as if he was trying to get away from something. He looked scared.

"And that's not the expression or body language of someone who's fine." Ink started, pointing at the note pad.

"I would know. An artist's ability to read body language and facial expressions is a necessary asset and you, my boy, are not fine." Palette sighed. He really, really couldn't escape this. He glanced up at Broomie who sat comfortably on the ground. It was pretty stupid that he couldn't go on adventures but some dumb broom that Ink spoke to could.

"Well, I'm... I think you're just over reading me. I'm fine, really." Palette insisted. Ink narrowed his eyes, he wasn't as patient as dream. Sure, he didn't really understand emotions that well, but Ink knew better than to bottle them up... pun not intended.

|| Captain Palette AU| | "I need to find that crown" ||Where stories live. Discover now