(16) His torture (16)

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"No stop! You've misunderstood me!" Palette squirmed.

"No no. Let me explain to you from my perspective." Nightmare dropped the child to the ground, Palette landed with a heavy thud. The trio, hiding behind the corner let out a cheer, whoo hoo! Kill that child, Nightmare!

"I was killed. Palette. I was killed and your cowardly, lily-livered, cur father did nothing but stare. Do you realize how much he hurt me? Do you realize how hard it was to make it through each and every day and my own brother, my twin did nothing to help?" Nightmare's voice rattled in Palette's mind. As if it couldn't escape.

"For years I tried to reason with myself. If I push a little more, it'll stop. One more time, I repeated each and every day. It'll get better tomorrow. Funny thing is, tomorrow never came!" The King's bitter laugh boomed through the walls.

"So I made tomorrow come. And guess what? Your deplorable father and that tree did nothing but watch."

"That's not true!" Palette stood up, defending his father. He challenged Nightmare, picking up Broomie's snapped neck.

"Dream tried to fight them off! But they didn't listen to him, a-and Nim barely has enough power to- gh!" Palette was picked up by the leg, slammed into the wall with a firm pain surging across his skeleton.

"Yo! Mofo just got got!" Killer called out, giggling sadistically.

"You do not speak of her! You do not speak like you've met her!" Nightmare barked loudly. Palette dropped to the floor again, clutching the brush's broken form.

"But I have! She gave me..!" The crown. Palette's eyes darted towards where he dropped it. By Nightmare's feet.

"She's dead and you will be to if you don't leave!" Nightmare sent a chilling stare through Palette. He couldn't believe his henchmen weren't helping him and instead were gawking like children to a lion in a zoo!

"I'm not leaving! I'm bringing you home, I can help you! I-"

"I don't need help!" Nightmare lashed another tentacle at Palette who dodged it by leaping out of the way.

"I'm not going to hurt you! Look at what you're doing, Nightmare! You're better than this!" Palette cried, trying to reach into any part of Nightmare that could hear his pleas.

"How dare you assume that what I did to save myself was a mistake! I'm the way I am now because of his mistake and now? He's just mad that I'm stronger than he could ever be! Now, yet another link in the multiverse's worst chain has come to destroy what I've gained!" Nightmare's form rose, his goop materializing himself to be larger than he already was as he let out a demonic screech.

Palette felt his chest heave with pain.

"Nightmare please! I'm not going to hurt you! I want to get to know you! I want to give you a second chance!!"

"Do you not realize? It's not me you're asking for a second chance for. You're asking me to give the biggest jackass in the multiverse! And I'd rather die than see his face!" It was evident Nightmare was toying with the teenager. He batted the child from left to right, Palette's focus getting dizzy as he collapsed against a wall again.

"What are you three morons doing!?" Nightmare turned his attention to his workers who jumped at the sudden change.

"We believe in you boss! We know you can't change!" Killer cheered, cupping his hands around his hands and letting out a loud whoo!

"He's just told you you're weak and that he can change you, he couldn't be more insulting! Kill him!" Horror hooted.

"Go Nightmare! Go boss!" They all shouted. He picked them up and also threw them across the room for being such shits.

|| Captain Palette AU| | "I need to find that crown" ||Where stories live. Discover now