(15) Our Hug (15)

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Palette raised his head as he stood with Nightmare in the large hall. The size was comparable to a ballroom. A magnificent thrown sat behind Nightmare as the dim lights flared.

Nightmare stared at this child, for a moment, his mask slipped. His cool calm and collected form tightened as he stared at the star eyes before him. For a moment... He could've sworn.. He saw... No.

He instantly tensed back up, glaring at this intruder who carried the paint moron's brush. He was struggling to look Palette in the face.

To Palette, if Nightmare was surprised to see him, he didn't show it. His gaze was unmoving and cold as death itself.

"Speak." Nightmare's voice was deep, like an anchor. It was terrifying. With every blink of his one revealed eye, Palette felt more pain swirl around him. The memories flooded into his mind so quickly that he hadn't time to register anything. He took a step towards Nightmare.

"I've... I've spent.. So long. Trying to find you." Palette's voice was quiet, it echoed around the hall, unlike Nightmare's.

The king stood, he remained silent.

"And who are you?" Nightmare growled threateningly. Palette trembled like a leaf but stood his ground, having hid the crown behind his back.

"Before I tell you that, Ni-"

"It's Lord to you."


".. Lord Nightmare, i-.. I want to tell you my purpose for... for coming here."

Nightmare glanced to the side, sensing curious eyes watching them from behind a pillar.

Horror, Dust and Killer peered from the corner, giving Nightmare a big thumbs up collectively. He rolled his eyes, they knew what was going to happen once this child left.

"I.. I've come to bring you this." Palette raised his arms and revealed the crown from behind his back. Nightmare froze.

That moon. The gold.

That crown.

He launched himself into the air using his tentacles, he sent a threatening tentacle towards Palette which froze right before touching him, Palette took a step back fearfully.

"Insolent fool! How dare you bring such an artifact in my presence when you have no idea what such an item is!"

"I do!.. It's your old crown. Before you were... changed." Palette explained. Nightmare didn't lower his guard. This teenager may be 500 years younger than him, but this doesn't make him any more trustworthy. Especially when he looks so much like...

"Where did you find that?!"

".. You wouldn't believe me even if I tried. But, th-thats not all!" Palette had to keep the conversation going forward. He felt Broomie's encouraging energy emanate from his back.

"I-.. I've had these nightmares.."

".. Nightmares."

"Mhm. A-and.. It's where I'm.. On a boat.. A-and.. And I never feel scared though! I'm a captain.. Captain of a boat." Palette stammered nervously. If he dare say the wrong thing, his life could be taken away. He was terrified and Nightmare knew it.

"An-.. And I see the crown and... The boat sinks. In an ocean so.. Sticky and vile and.." Palette shuddered. He wasn't giving the best description of the dream but.. He was hoping that would Nightmare would catch on.

"I end up.. Suffocating.. In the tar." Palette whispered that last bit, he gently rubbed a hand over his throat as he looked down, traumatized by his dream.

|| Captain Palette AU| | "I need to find that crown" ||Where stories live. Discover now