(12) the stump (12)

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So, all he had to do was ask. Paperjam had to admit, that was a lot less fun. But, he had to help his brother. This adventure... it was so important to Palette, the scarf sanses had to support him in any way they could, despite Blueprint's reprimands.

Paperjam cautiously opened a portal, trying not to make any noise as he struggled. He slowly opened a small, portal which he fell through easily, sending him throughout the other side. He was sure it would only leave a small puddle of paint, making sure he could return to them.

Paperjam skidded on the floor as he came out the other side. He groaned lightly as he glanced around the doodlesphere. Ink wasn't here, so wherever Dream had cried off to, Ink was there. The oldest teenager couldn't help but feel pity for Dream. This must've been bringing up some raw emotion for him, PJ had no idea that Dream was a twin, perhaps it was a memory he wanted to remain buried for the rest of time.

PJ grunted as he lifted himself back up. He had to get Ink's attention somehow... easy.

Call him evil, but PJ knew the exact way to get Ink's attention. He aimed a single finger towards a random AU, it wasn't important. A slick, multicoloured string wrapped around the AU, he knew he couldn't permanently destroy an AU as long as there was a human who could reset, but it was always enough to stress out Ink.

With a small tug of his finger, the paper ripped.

And as if he felt it too, a shift in the multiverse happened.

He waited for a moment as the paper immediately repaired itself thanks to the human who reset. But, after around two minutes, Blue came to the doodlesphere with a yelling Ink.

"Error!? Is-... Oh, it's just... you." Ink sighed, Blue shoved him off. He sent Ink a dirty look as he teleported away to probably comfort Dream some more. Usually, Blue hated teleporting but it's not like he could run through the AUs.

"Hey, uh.. Ink." Paperjam spoke awkwardly, looking over to their dad. Ink glanced over to his child.

"Why would you do that Jammy!? You're supposed to destroy when you're with Error! Do you know how scared I felt when I felt an AU be torn in half!? I thought!.."

"Jeez, I get it!" Paperjam yelled back, he couldn't believe Ink right now. He's more upset about the AUs than his own kid. How soulless was he in the first place?

"What did you want?" Ink pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose bone. He was tired of PJ's antics of constantly destroying AUs for attention. It was stressful enough to keep the timelines in line, having a teenager who was nothing but rebellious made things worse.

"I just thought we could spend some time together.. practice creation." Paperjam's cold facial expression loosened Ink. He put his hands on his waist and sighed.

"PJ, I really appreciate it but I can't. Not right now. Dream's panicking about Palette. I'm trying to tell him that Broomie can keep him safe but... I've never seen the guardian of positivity so stressed." Ink muttered. Paperjam had to play dumb.

"That sucks, I mean.. we're all worried about Palette, but don't you think this would've happened one way or another? You talk so much about the AUs but you don't let us explore them, of course Palette was going to take matters into his own hands." Paperjam's voice glitched slightly. Ink shook his head.

"It's not that. He's gone to find Nig-." Ink cut himself off.

"He's.. stepping into some really dangerous stuff, Paperjam. If we're not careful. He could die." Ink's voice wasn't as energetic and emotionally charged. It was somber, with a hint of concern.

"But don't you think he can do whatever he wants to do? I mean, he's the son of creation and positivity. He's pretty much the best candidate." PJ spoke with hope, which was rather uncharacteristic of him.

|| Captain Palette AU| | "I need to find that crown" ||Where stories live. Discover now