(17) I Found Home (17)

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A flying arrow shot through the air with a silent whistle, slicing the tentacle clean into two.

Palette fell through the sky, barely in a state of consciousness. He felt as if he were sinking in a dark ocean as he closed his eyes, waiting for reaper's warm embrace. He only managed to conjure up a single thought as he plummeted.

How was Reaper going to tell everyone?


Palette felt the black void swallowing him whole as he fell through the air.

The smell of salt woke him up. The gentle rocking of a boat cradled the young boy. He opened his eyes and was greeted by a dark sky.

He raised himself gently on the rotted wood as he searched the sky for any star, sun or otherwise.

Palette took his eyes off the dark sky, and looked down at the ocean beneath him. A gentle, slow vanta ocean. Ah. His nightmare.

He didn't feel scared, but.. He wasn't excited like he usually was. The teenager still had his memories from earlier that day. His legs sat, broken beneath him. They were twisted in a way that was as unnatural as the concept of a skeleton having emotion magic.

He stared up at the sky, the stars in his eyes a dull colour.

"Hey kiddo." A voice interrupted his brooding. Palette looked up.

"Mr Reaper." Palette nodded to the God of Death. The deity stood on the other end of the boat, his scythe was funnily enough nowhere in sight.

"That was quite a fight you put up. Pretty honorable that you didn't land a single hit on him." Reaper nodded, Palette shook his head modestly.

"That wasn't anything special honestly." Palette humbly lowered his head. He didn't want to hurt Nightmare, even if he was going to die.. Speaking of which.

"Am I dead?" Palette asked gently, not raising his head. His mind swirled with thoughts of his friends and family.

How would Reaper face Goth and tell him?

"Hmm, not exactly." Reaper looked around at the miserable setting.

"Consider this more like.. Purgatory. You're not alive yet, but you aren't dead." Reaper shrugged with a bored expression.

"But this is the same place as my nightmares?" Palette asked, finally matching Reaper's gaze.

"Yeah, kind of ironic innit? Your purgatory is kind of like your personal waiting room, so it's kinda funny your waiting room is where you dream about. They aren't linked together, I promise. It's just a funny coincidence." Chuckled the god, amused. Palette nodded.

"I must say, seeing your name flicker on my list was quite a shock. It fell back and forth out of reality, so I knew you would be entering purgatory soon. I mean, usually I let those in purgatory figure it out for themselves but since you're Goth's little boyfriend I thought I'd pay you a visit."

He didn't have the energy to respond to Reaper's cheeky jab. Palette's eyes drifted back down at the ocean as he peered to his reflection. It peered back at him.

"So.. What happens now?" Palette nervously played with his sleeves.

"Well, we wait for something to either heal you or kill you. And.. Considering what happened before you collapsed... I'd count on you having one more cha-.. Oh. There we go." Reaper glanced up.

"Huh?" Palette cocked his head to the side curiously.

"Looks like you escape my grasp today, Roller. Good luck." Reaper winked.

|| Captain Palette AU| | "I need to find that crown" ||Where stories live. Discover now