(4) The Snowball fight (4)

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The chillish wind of snow slapped Palette's clothes with no mercy. He sneezed at the sudden drop of temperature.

"Alright... I guess we crash landed... that's okay Broomie. You did your... best." Palette had to admit. It felt a little weird talking to a brush, but if Blueprint said it'd work, then he'd have to make it work. He walked over to where the brush laid, checking over the neck to make sure there were no scratches.

None, but a bunch of incoherent scribbles on it by ink. Palette noticed how heavy the brush was, as if it was purposefully making it difficult for Palette. Broomie must've wanted to go home.. But Palette couldn't let that happen.

"Hm... let's see if there are any kind strangers that could help me." He muttered to himself, lifting his hat above his eyes so he could see. His eyes dazzled with wonder as he truly took in his surroundings.

He hadn't left the AUs before, so seeing such a joyous and happy land. A small human in a purple and blue sweater played with a monster in a yellow sweater, running through the snow together. They were being watched by a large, significantly large skeleton... in fact, Palette had never seen a skeleton so tall.

Actually.. No. He looked like what Blueprint described to be his Uncle Papyrus. Could that be what a papyrus was? His entire life he had only met other sanses... how did this Papyrus know sans? He wore battle armor similar to Palette's uncle Blue... so maybe... they know each other?

The human ran around, pelting snowballs at the yellow monster. That seemed a little unfair considering the... dinosaur monster didn't have arms. But, the yellow one didn't seem to mind. In fact, he seemed to be dodging a few of the snowballs. Was that training!? How fun! The large skeleton cheered them on, clapping his gloved hands..

Palette hesitated. They seemed to be having fun... who was he to interrupt them? A stranger. Paperjam always told him to never trust strangers, but he never listened. Yet again, he would ignore his older brother's warnings.

With a nervous gulp, he approached the three. His boots crunched the snow beneath him, gripping Broomie tightly as he dragged it along behind him.

"U-uhm.. Excuse me!" Palette spoke loudly, attempting to catch their attention. The human caught onto the unfamiliar voice, holding their position mid throw. The dinosaur skidded to a stop, nearly tripping over. The large skeleton stopped clapping. His eyes glinted curiously at the unfamiliar skeleton.

"Uh.. My name is Palette. Palette Roller. And... I'm a little lost." He nervously introduced himself. The human tilted their head slightly, raising an eyebrow.

*You ask how did he end up getting lost, if all the monsters were stuck underground.

Palette jolted at question, suddenly beginning to sweat bullets.

"I... uh..."

*In fact, you weren't sure if you had ever seen this skeleton before.

"I-.. I'm not from here!" Palette forced a laugh, he pulled at his collar lightly as if he were sweating, but that was highly unlikely in the snow.

"Um... I'm a skeleton... clearly and I just got... formed. By my skeleton parents!" Palette smiled. Papyrus stood in front of the children.

"... Sans and I are the only skeletons in Snowdin, from what I was aware of." He was giving Palette the benefit of the doubt. So there was a sans in this au! Good. Good.

"Uh. Right. I knew that. I was... can you take me to sans? He knows.. My parents." Palette hoped. He actually had no idea if this sans knew his parents . . . He kind of hoped not. All he needed was to know that this sans knew about the AUs, if not, he was kind of stuck with a stubborn brush.

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