Chapter One

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"Even good marriages fail. One minute you're standing on solid ground. The next minute... you're not. And there's always two versions. Yours and theirs. Both versions start the same way, though. Both start with two people falling in love. Nobody gets married thinking it's gonna fail. You think yours is the one that's gonna make it. And so it always comes as a shock. The moment when you realise, it's over. One minute you're standing on solid ground. The next minute, you're not. Do you have what it takes? If your marriage is in trouble, can you weather the storm? When the ground gives way and your world collapses, maybe you just need to have faith. And trust that you can survive this together. Maybe you just need to hold on tight. And no matter what, don't let go" 

"you were so in love with simple things"

Aurora woke up to find the other side of the bed empty. She went to the kitchen where Owen was cooking them breakfast. "Morning", he greeted.

"Morning. You're cooking breakfast?"

"Yes, I am. I woke up in a really good mood today"

She smiled.

"I'm really happy for us"

"I'm really happy for us too"

Beck was on top of Jackson, trying to drown out the sound of Zola crying. She sighed. "Okay. I'm... I can't", she said, getting off of him and lying beside him. "I can't have sex when there's a baby from a broken home in the next room. I..."

"Yeah you can"

He climbed on top of her. "Just look at me", he said. "It's you and me". They kissed.

The alarm went off in Alex and Lucy's room and they both jumped up. "So, are we ever gonna talk about what you said?" he asked her.

"You have to be more specific, I say a lot of things"


"Look, Alex, don't even worry about it. I didn't mean it, I was drunk"

"You weren't drunk"

"Tipsy, whatever you wanna call it. The point is I didn't mean it so let's just drop it"

The fifth year residents and attendings were getting breakfast in the cafeteria. April was standing on a step trying to do her chief resident speech but she was talking too quietly and no one was listening. So she stopped. Meredith approached Cristina and Lucy at the juices station. "Did he talk to you?" Lucy asked her. "No, he won't even look at me", Meredith replied.

"You tampered with his clinical trial. He thinks that's kind of unforgivable. And I know Derek, he loves to hold a grudge"

"It was for Adele and the chief"

"I know. You regret that you messed up his trial but not what you did, I know"

"You don't have to defend yourself to us", Cristina added. "Anyway, Lucy, how's things with Alex?" "I'm trying to convince him that I was drunk and didn't mean it", Lucy said. "But he definitely doesn't believe me. Because I wasn't drunk and I meant it".

"Then tell him that"

"I can't 'cause he's going to freak out and then I'll freak out and we'll fight. And next thing you know, I'll be joining you two in Meredith's bed"

Owen, Callie and Lucy came out of the ER where Alex, Aurora, Bailey, Cristina, April, Jackson, Kelly and Lexie were waiting in the ambulance bay. "We're going to the scene of an onsite amputation woman's trapped under her car", Owen explained to everyone. "You guys are gonna get swamped with bodies. Kepner, you're in charge till I get back". "Yes, sir. Have fun", April replied. "At an amputation?" Lucy asked her.

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