Chapter Four

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"There are distinct differences between male and female brains. Female brains have a larger hippocampus which usually makes them better at retention and memory. Male brains have a bigger parietal cortex which helps when fending off an attack. Male brains confront challenges differently than female brains. Women are hardwired to communicate with language, detail, empathy. Men... not so much. It doesn't mean that we're any less capable of emotion. We can talk about our feelings. It's just that most of the time we'd really rather not. Be a man. People say it all the time. But what does that even mean? Is it about strength? Is it about sacrifice? Is it about winning? Maybe it's simpler than that. You have to know when not to man up. Sometimes it takes a real man to set his ego aside, admit defeat, and simply start all over again"

"i'll save my tears for uncovering my fears"

"This guy's a freaking genius", Alex said, as Lucy and Cristina fell into step with him and Jackson. "Nobody", Alex replied. "You look nice today", Jackson complimented them. "Have you heard what's coming in?" Lucy asked. "Human stampede at a comic convention", Owen said, joining them. Richard joined them soon after. "Which means crush injuries. Lots of them", he said. They arrived in the ER to see it crowded with patients in various costumes. "It looks like some lower extremity fractures", April said about one of the patients. Alex and Lucy took him. A patient was wheeled past with a bloody footprint on her face. "Ooh, dibs on footprint face", Kelly said, following after the patient.

Alex and Lucy were treating their patient. "Can you bend your knee for me?" Lucy asked him. "Good. Now your ankle". "15 collector's edition replicas of the Doctor Who TARDIS in original packaging, signed by Russell T. Davies, free to the first 15 people through the door, and I was there, right in the middle of it", the patient explained excitedly. "Your other knee", Alex instructed.

"I'm never in the middle of anything"


"I have battle wounds"

"Alright. We're gonna get you on some painkillers, and then we'll get you up to x-rays"

"Oh, God. Okay. Am I gonna walk again?"

"No", Alex said. "I'm just messing with you. You're fine. Just got a few broken toes, if that".

"Just toes?"


"Do I at least get a cast for that?"

Alex and Lucy showed Carter the scans of his broken toes. "You broke seven toes, but really five, 'cause pinky toes barely count", Lucy explained. "So we're just gonna tape 'em up and get you outta here". "Tape? I survive a human stampede, and all I get is tape?" Carter asked. "We'll throw in some crutches if that'll make you feel better"

"Yeah, you don't look like you've got great balance anyway", Alex added. "What are you supposed to be anyway?" "I'm a hobbit", Carter answered, as if it was obvious. "We're a gentle folk from a farming community called the Shire. It's in the northwest corner of Middle-earth. We live a simple life, but we crave adventure. And when we find it, some become heroes''. He suddenly got distracted by something behind them. "The Dothraki princess", he said, staring at April. "Yeah. I stopped caring about 10 minutes ago", Alex said.

"No. That... That doctor over there looks just like the Dothraki princess from the legendary Song of Ice and Fire series. Not her hair, but her skin and her eyes, and... Oh, oh, God. Oh, God. Here she comes"

April walked past. "Her?" Alex questioned. "You have nerd chub for Kepner?" Lucy smacked his arm. "Kepner,'' Carter smiled. "Karev, trauma room, now", Derek ordered.

Aurora was walking down the hallway. "Aurora!" Mark called, pushing Sofia on a gurney in her car seat. "Sofia rolled off the sofa last night, and she hasn't cried since. Something's wrong".

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