Chapter Thirteen

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"The baby you have is the baby you were destined to have. It was meant to be. That's what all the adoption people tell you, anyway. I'd like to think it's true. But everything else in the world seems so completely random. What if, one little thing, I said, or could have made it all fall apart? What if I'd chosen another life for myself, or another person? We might have never found each other. What if I'd been raised differently? What if my mother had never been sick? What if I'd actually had a good father? What if? What if?...What..if? Your life is a gift. Accept it. No matter how screwed up or painful it seems to be. Some things are going to work out as if they were destined to happen. As if they were just meant to be"

"now who remains true to the game?"

Aurora and Owen lay awake in bed, backs turned to each other.

Lucy and Alex were asleep in each other's arms peacefully.

In an alternate reality...

Meredith showed her engagement ring to April in the changing room. "Oh, my God!" April exclaimed, admiring it. "When?" "Last night", Meredith replied. "I mean, I kind of thought he would, and then, sure enough. Are you okay, April? 'Cause I know... I mean, I knew this was gonna be hard for you, but... You are going to find someone, April. And Charles is really into you".

"I know, I know, but Charles is..."

"Hi", Charles greeted, entering the room. Jackson smiled and patted Kate sympathetically on the shoulder. "Hey, April. Charles is what?" Charles continued. "Nothing", April answered. "No, no, no. I am thrilled. Have you told anyone else?" "Besides my parents, no. You're my person", Meredith said.

"Oh, God, this is so beautiful. You guys, you're gonna be, like, the next Shepherds"

"Screw that. We're gonna be the next Webbers"

"Okay, how did he do it? Tell me everything"

"Okay, so last night, we went out to dinner, and he..."

Her story was interrupted by Cristina and Lucy entering the room. "Good morning", Jackson said to them. "Are you talking to me?" Lucy asked him. "Jackson, don't feed the animals", Meredith said.

"Every single one of you can suck my..."

"Hey! How's everybody doing this morning?" Alex said, entering the room. "Everybody ready to kick some butt? Let's run the board, guys. Avery?" "Covering the pit", Jackson said. "Yeah, I'm with him," Kelly added. "Noble work. Yang?" Alex said. "Solo thoracic aortic aneurysm", Cristina said.


"I'm on ortho"

"Well, I guess that means I'm doing Torres' post-ops", Meredith said. "Smith?" Alex said. "I'm on Shepherd's service", Kate said. "Good Shepherd".


"Also good Shepherd", April said. "Hey. I'm on bad Shepherd", Charles said. "Maybe we're gonna be the next Shepherd's".

"No, we aren't"

"Alright, guys. The day is as good as you make it", Alex said. "Alright, let's get out there and keep Seattle Grace the country's best hospital. Come on! Yang, Shepherd, smile. Alright. Let's move".

Owen and Jackson approached an incoming patient. "We brought you a cokehead found in an alley", the paramedic said, handing Jackson the chart. "Presumed overdose. Tried Narcan. No response. Had to shock her once in the field at 300. BP is 80 over 30. SAT's 96 on 100%". "Stop. V-fib. Charge the paddles to 300", Owen said and they shocked her. "There we go. Avery, she's all yours''. "Alright, let's get a tox screen, an EKG, a CBC, a CMP and an X-ray now". The patient turned her head and it was Beck.

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