Chapter Sixteen

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"As surgeons we're trained to consult with each other to get opposing views. We even encourage patients to seek second opinions. But why seek a second opinion when you know that you're right? Cause if we're honest with ourselves, surgeons are more like cowboys. We're more likely to go it alone. You can seek the advice of others, surround yourself with trusted advisers. But in the end, the decision is always yours, and yours alone. And when it's time to act, and you're all alone with your back against the wall... the only voice that matters is the one in your head. The one telling you what you probably already knew. The one that's almost always right"

"the whirlpool spinning around in my head"

A nurse walked down the hall and Aurora followed her. Kelly and Beck joined her. "Hey, we never got to catch up with you", Kelly said. "Yeah, how was marriage counselling?" Beck asked. "Uh-huh", Aurora said, not paying attention and watching the nurse.

"Aurora? Hello?"

"Yeah. That's really... Whatever. I'm gonna catch up with you guys later"

"Aurora, wait a second. What's going on?" Kelly said, stopping her.


"You look weird. Why do you look so weird?" Beck said.

"I do not look weird. You were...asking how marriage counselling went"

"Yes, we want to know if everything's okay with you", Kelly said.

"There's nothing really interesting to say"

"Aurora, we know that's not true", Beck said.

"It is true and I gotta go"

Lexie caught up with Alex and Aurora. "Hey. Guess what", she said. "I'm on Peds today. Babies. Yay!" "The NICU, not the nursery. It can get pretty intense", Aurora replied.

"Well, nothing is as intense as working on Derek's lost causes. It's like a death march up there. I mean, I call time of death on a daily basis. What do we got today?"

"Well, you ever seen a baby that weighs less than a pound?" Alex asked.

"Uh, no, because babies that weigh less than 16 ounces don't survive"

She stopped as they went over to Morgan's baby.

"My God. he's the size of a soda can"

"14 ounces", Aurora said. "But he's growing", Morgan said as her boyfriend wheeled her over to them. "That might just be bloating from the fluids", Chris said. "Well, let's take a look", Aurora said. "How are you feeling, Morgan?" Lexie said. "I'm the least of my worries", Morgan said.

"You must be Chris. Cardio resident at Cleveland, right?"

"You talk about me?" Chris said to Morgan. "You don't talk about me?" Morgan said. "You guys haven't had any time to pick out a name yet?" Lexie said, reading the chart. "No, we...", Chris said. "Yeah, we should do that", Morgan said. "Any thoughts?"

"We probably should wait a few weeks, don't you think, until he can see and hear and breathe on his own?"

"14.3 ounces today", Aurora said, writing it down. "I told you he was bigger", Morgan said. "Let's see how that changes his outcome predictor", Chris said, taking out his phone. "Outcome predictor?" Lexie questioned. "Yeah, it's a formula for micro preemies that determines their chances of survival", Alex said. "We don't use it here".


"Nope", Chris said. "Chance of survival, still a whopping 13%". "That's why. It freaks parents out", Alex said. "Morning", Arizona greeted, coming over to them. "Dr Robbins, 14.3 today", Morgan informed her.

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