Chapter Ten

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"Victims of a sudden impact are some of the hardest to treat. It's not just the collision that injures them, it's everything after, the centrifugal force keeps them moving; tossing them from vehicles, throwing them through windshields, slamming their internal organs into the skeleton, their bodies are injured over and over again. So there's no way to know how much damage has actually been done until they stop. You can't prepare for a sudden impact. You can't brace yourself. It just hits you. Out of nowhere. And suddenly the life you knew before is over. Forever"

"one thousand words are not enough to say what i feel inside"

Beck paced the hallways with a blank expression on her face.

Alex bent down to check on one of the injured people. "Sir, can you move?" he asked. "We need you off this road". "Honey", the man called out, lifting his head up. A young girl clambered out of the wreckage of the car. "Mom?" she called out, approaching the unconscious woman on the ground. "Mom. Mom, wake up. Mom, wake up! Help them. Please, you have to help! My mom, my dad, the van...and I just stepped in blood". "Hey, what's your name?" Aurora asked her.


"Ok, Lily, I need you to calm down and take the baby. Hold the baby"

"I don't even babysit. I can't hold a baby"

"Lily, do you want me to help your family or not? Hold the baby"

She reluctantly took the baby in her arms.

"Ok, I need you to squeeze. One, two, squeeze"

"What if I mess up?"

"You're not gonna mess up. One, two, squeeze. Count out loud so I can hear you"

"Ok, one, two, squeeze... One, two, squeeze"

"No matter what you do, don't stop squeezing. One, two, squeeze"

"One, two, squeeze"

Aurora suddenly felt a sharp pain between her legs and groaned in pain. Alex looked back at her. "Are you okay?" he asked. She didn't respond. She felt between her legs and her fingers were instantly coated in blood. She stared at her hand. "Aurora...", Alex began.

"Alex, I'm fine"

"Aurora, you're bleeding. You need to sit this one out"

"Alex, we don't have time for this. We have patients. I'm fine"

He didn't look sure but stayed quiet as she approached Lily's mom. "Ma'am, ma'am, I'm a doctor. Can you hear me?" she said, crouching down to inspect her injuries.

Alex brought the kit from the ambulance. "You got any tape in there? I have to do an adhesive dressing", Aurora said. "Probably. I just grabbed whatever", Alex replied. "Is my mom ok? Mom?" Lily said. "Lily, keep counting", Aurora said.

"Why isn't...why isn't she talking?"


"One, two, squeeze"

"How's she doing?" Alex asked Aurora. "Not good. I may have to intubate", she said. "Don't you have to do a pressure dressing?"

"Ugh. I see grey matter. Brains are on the ground"

"Wait. That's Nana", Lily said. "That's my Na...".

"There's nothing we can do. Oh, crap. This kid's got a shard of glass in her eye. She's unconscious. Her pulse is low"

"That's my sister. That's Abby"

"Lily... Just see the blinker on the van? Just watch that blinker and keep counting. One, two, squeeze. One, two, squeeze. Lily"

Paradise-Grey's Anatomy AU Book 8Where stories live. Discover now