Chapter Twenty-One

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"Picture this - you've spent the last five years of your residency training to become a surgeon. But those five years suddenly don't matter - the only thing that matters, the only thing between you and the rest of your career is a test in a random hotel, in a random city, with a random examiner asking you random questions. Nervous? You should be. Kindergarten. High school. College. Med school. Residency. It all leads to this moment. Some people can crack under the pressure, others thrive. Either way, there's nothing left to do. No more studying, no more preparing. Like it or not, the moment has arrived. The only thing left for you to do, is show up"

"we all must meet our moment of truth"

The attendings were wishing their residents good luck in the ambulance bay. A shuttle bus was waiting to take them to the airport. "You nervous?" Callie asked Lucy.

"Of course I am! Are you kidding?"

"I trained you well. There's nothing to be worried about"

"I'm not worried about the test. I could do that in my sleep. I'm worried about the fact that I'm gonna walk into that exam room heavily pregnant and they're gonna think I'm stupid and that I'm not up for the job"

"That's not gonna happen"

"What if my water breaks in the middle of the exam and they fail me"

"Highly unlikely"

"What if one of them has to deliver my baby?!"

"Lucy, you need to relax. You're not due for ten weeks. You'll be fine. Now get on that bus and make me proud"

"Okay. Okay, I can do this"

"I know you can"

"I love you"

"I love you, too. I'll see you when you get back"

Alex and Meredith rushed out to the ambulance bay where April was standing outside the door of the shuttle bus. "Twenty-three minutes late? Not okay!" she exclaimed. "Is it too late to request a van without you in it?" Alex asked, climbing onto the bus followed by Meredith. Bailey smiled and looked at them on the bus for a moment. Then she tapped the front to signal the driver to go. The attendings waved them off as the bus drove away.

Kelly was doing labs in a research room. Mark came in. "I need you, Kelly", he said, startling her.

"Hi. What?"

"I need you. I'm doing a skin graft, and I'm stuck with an intern who thinks that debriding the necrotic tissue is the title of a Nine Inch Nails album"

"Are you sure it's not?"

"It might be. I'm not familiar with their later work"

"You're just sad because Jackson is off to take his boards"

"He and I work well together. We understand each other. Like you and I used to, you know? So I need you"

"I can't. I am way behind on all of these labs. I was gonna pull an all-nighter to finish, so..."

"Alright. Thought it would be fun, working together again. But if you're busy..."

"Mark, wait. You should check out the latest Nine Inch Nails album. It is pretty... Fresh"


He walked off, slightly confused. "I said "fresh", Kelly whispered to herself in disbelief.

The residents had arrived at the Presidio Presidential Suite, where the boards were going to take place. April bumped into someone. "That's... Case Western Reserve", she said, reading the writing on his hat. "Do you know Ted Stevenson, head of trauma?" "I do, yeah", he replied.

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