Chapter Fourteen

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"There are times in our lives when love really does conquer all: exhaustion, sleep deprivation, anything. And then there are those times when it seems like love brings us nothing but pain. We're always looking for ways to ease the pain. Sometimes we ease the pain by making the best of what we have. Sometimes it's by losing ourselves in the moment. And sometimes all we need to do to ease the pain is call a simple truce"

"there's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be"

Meredith and Derek kissed and fell onto the couch as Meredith laughed. Kelly was sitting in front of the couch, drinking coffee and watching a surgical video. "Good morning", she greeted them, drawing their attention to her presence. "Yeah, I'm watching a pyeloplasty. I can rewind it back to the beginning if you'd like". "No, let's go", Derek said, getting up. "Hey, listen for the baby", Meredith said to her. "What?" Kelly said. "Twenty minutes", Derek said.


Kelly approached the car where Meredith was sitting on top of Derek, holding Zola in her arms. She knocked on the window and they rolled it down. "I'm sorry, but she woke up, and she seemed like she wanted you guys", she said. "But don't worry. She didn't see anything". They got out of the car and Meredith took Zola. "Well, listen, I can babysit tonight if you guys need some time to yourselves", Kelly offered. "'Cause I have no plans 'cause my life is empty. I'm alone with no plans whatsoever, at all". "That's great", Derek replied.

Aurora lay in bed, alone. Owen's side had stayed unslept in the entire night.

Kelly entered the hospital and went to the coffee cart where Arizona and Mark were discussing their Valentine's Day plans. "You can't take a baby camping. Sofia's gonna hate it", Mark said to Arizona.

"What... You're getting a sitter. Callie said you're getting a sitter"

"Yeah, Callie also said you were going camping. Callie's lost her mind"

"Really, it's camping?"

"I don't know, but it's your night with Sofia"

"Well, I need to have sex with my wife apparently in the woods on cold, hard ground. And you promised Callie a sitter, so get a sitter"

"Come on. This thing with Julia is young and fragile. There's a lot of pressure. I got us a table at Campo's"

"Well, then you better find a sitter"

Arizona walked off. "I have plans", Kelly blurted out. "Yep, I got a hot date. Our thing is young and fragile, too".

"We're gonna get a zillion valen-traumas", April as some of the residents stood in the decorated ER. "I bet a few of them will be good surgeries for our boards". "Well, it's not Saint Patty's day. Those are good traumas", Alex replied. "Car crashes, bar brawls. Yeah, Valentine's Day is all swallowed engagement rings and guys who threw out their backs getting laid". "You're just bitter 'cause I turned Valentine's Day into a study date", Lucy pointed out. "You guys are studying already?" Jackson asked. "Of course. You're not?" April said.

"No, I am"

Owen came over to them. "Who put up all this?" he said, looking irritable. "I did", April answered. "Well, research shows that a cheerful environment reduces stress and helps the patient feel more...". He crumpled one of the paper decorations in his hand and walked off. "Yeah, I have to find Aurora", Beck said.

Meredith, Cristina and Lucy were walking in the hall. "I have to get that baby out of my bed", Meredith said. "She's ruining my sex life". "Yeah, well, at least yours is alive", Cristina replied. "You could, you know, find a date", Lucy suggested. "I'm sure there's plenty of men here with no date for Valentine's Day".

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