Chapter Eight

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"Say you're in the O.R. repairing a vena cava, when suddenly, everything goes to hell. So you cut this, suture that and soon that crappy situation is a thing of the past. Too bad you can't meet all of life's challenges with a surgical scalpel. I mean, you could try. But I'm pretty sure that'd be considered assault. It's a little bit horrifying just how quickly everything can fall to crap. Sometimes it takes a huge loss to remind you of what you care about the most. Sometimes you find yourself becoming stronger as a result, wiser, better-equipped to deal with the next big disaster that comes along. Sometimes. But not always"

"this is the last time i'm asking you this. put my name at the top of your list"

Alex and Lucy were kissing in bed. He started kissing her neck. "So, when do you wanna start trying?" she asked him.

"What do you think I'm doing right now?"

"Alright, relax. And continue"

He smiled, kissing her.

Beck caught up with Jackson as he was heading towards the elevators, drinking a coffee. "Hey, I haven't heard from you in a while. Is everything okay?" she asked him.

"Yeah. Everything's fine"

"Okay. I can tell you're fine 'cause you said that through clenched teeth"


"This whole situation wouldn't be so difficult for you if you would just tell me what you want or how you're feeling"

Before he could answer, the doors opened revealing Mark already in the elevator. "Going up?" he asked her. "Yup", she said, getting in.

"Avery. Today's the day. You, me, cross-facial nerve graft. You pumped? I'm pumped"

"Alright", Jackson replied.

"Get pumped"

"Getting pumped"

The doors closed and Jackson frowned.

Alex and Aurora were gathering their case files at the nurses station when Arizona approached them. "Sorry. I'm gonna need your esophageal atresia", she said. "What...", Alex started.

"And you have a pyloric stenosis. I might need that one, too"

"What are you... Why?"

"'Cause we have a prospective Peds fellow coming in today, and she's being courted by all the big guns. USC, John Hopkins, CHOP, and Hunt asked me to help to make sure she got the red-carpet tour, and that includes scrubbing in on a couple of surgeries"

"Wait. You're already meeting people for the fellowship?"

"Well, it's a little early but when someone with Polly Preston's resume wants to observe in your hospital, you make time"

She smiled and walked off. Alex and Aurora exchanged a confused look.

Bailey and Meredith entered their patient's room to find George O'Malley's mother in the bed with Holly next to her, holding her hand comfortingly. "Meredith Grey", Mrs O'Malley smiled. "Hey, Mer", Holly greeted softly.

"It's been so long. You come over here and give me a hug"

Meredith looked at Holly awkwardly but Holly just nodded and Meredith went over to hug her.

Teddy, Cristina and Beck were in the OR. "This is so freaking cool", Cristina said, looking at the box. "I bet it never occurred to you to put this on your wish list", Teddy replied. "How's that coming, by the way?"

"Why? Do you need it today? Because I can't... I'm not done"

"You do get that this is supposed to be fun, right?"

Paradise-Grey's Anatomy AU Book 8Where stories live. Discover now