Chapter Twelve

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"There's nothing else we can do for you." These are the last words a surgeon wants to tell a patient. Giving up doesn't come easy to us, so we do everything in our power not to. For surgeons "lost cause" just means "try a little harder". When do you throw in the towel, admit that a lost cause is sometimes just that? There comes a point when it all becomes too much, when we get too tired to fight anymore. So we give up. That's when the real work begins, to find hope where there seems to be absolutely none at all"

"making the best of it. playing the hand you get"

Jackson, Kelly, Lucy, Meredith and Zola were in the kitchen as Meredith decorated Zola's birthday cake. "Oh, damn it. I screwed it up", Meredith said. "Gag Zola", really?" Jackson questioned.

"Those aren't G's. Those Y's are for "Yay". "Yay, Zola"

"See, a normal person would've just written "Happy birthday", Lucy pointed out.

"Well, I couldn't fit all those letters on the cake"

"Who used up the last of my deodorant?" April asked, entering the kitchen. "Oh, that might've been me," Lucy replied awkwardly. "I think we buy the same deodorant. You can have mine. It's in my bedside drawer".


"Coffee", Alex simply stated, heading straight for the coffee machine. "Fresh out, chief", Jackson replied. "Wait. N-no", April stammered. "That's impossible. I just bought some three days ago". "We're out of orange juice as well", Lucy added. "Okay, so, um, I have a meeting with Owen, so I'm off", Meredith said, picking up Zola. "Party is at 8:00. Don't be late". She left. "I got 20 minutes before work. You wanna, you know?" Alex whispered to Lucy. "Yeah", she said, smirking.

"Good. Come on"

Jackson chuckled as they left the room. "Oh, we need to move", April sighed. "Do we?" Jackson said, smiling and picking up the newspaper.

Alex and Lucy made it upstairs to their room. "We're not actually gonna have sex right now", she stated.

"Why not?"

"I just wanted to get you alone because I have a present for you"

"Present? It's Zola's birthday, not mine"

"I know but you're gonna want this"

She opened her bedside and brought out a small white box with a silver bow on it. She handed it to him and he looked at her with a confused expression. "Just open it", she said.


He took the lid off the box and it revealed two positive pregnancy tests sitting inside it. He looked up at her in shock. "I have to go to the OB today to make sure but...", she said, smiling but before she could finish her sentence he had picked her up in excitement. He put her down and kissed her. "I'm gonna be a dad", he said.

"And I'm gonna be a mom"

Aurora came out of the spare room in Mark's apartment to see him pouring a mug of coffee at the kitchen counter. "Good morning", he greeted, handing it to her.


"How are you feeling?"


"'Cause you know you don't have to go in today. You can wait longer"

"If I wait any longer, I'll never go back"



"Hey, you know, maybe you should go home tonight"

"If you don't want me here, you can just say so. I'll find somewhere else"

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