Chapter Twenty Four

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"A month ago, you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today, you are the doctors. The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point. Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. Five of you will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play? That's up to you. The years we spend as surgical residents will be the best and worst of our lives. We will be pushed to our breaking point. This is the starting line. This is our arena. How well we play, that's up to us"

"somebody jump and touch the sky"

Kelly woke up to the sun streaming through the branches of the trees above her. She suddenly realised she could only see out of one of her eyes. She started to panic and tried to stand up. She stumbled, feeling something lodged in the middle of her stomach. She winced in pain as she finally stood up straight and took in her surroundings. Arizona was screaming in pain as Cristina helped Meredith off of the ground. "I can't see, I can't see", Kelly muttered. The pilot was still in his seat, blood protruding from his head. She noticed Mark stumbling his way over to her and she tried to get to him as quickly as she could. When she finally made her way over, she leaned against him. "Are you okay?" he asked weakly as he took in her appearance.

"I can't see. Mark, I can't see!"

"It's okay, it's okay"

"No, I can't see. And I don't know where Beck is. Where's Beck?"

"I don't know. We'll find her, it's okay"

"I can't see"

"I need to take that out of your eye"


"It's gonna hurt"


He picked up a ripped piece of scrubs material and pulled the shard out of her eye. She gasped in pain and he quickly pressed the material to her eye. "We'll wait to take that out of your stomach until we can take care of it, okay?" he said.


"What happened?" Meredith asked. "The plane crashed, that's what happened", Cristina replied. "We were in a plane and it crashed. Plane crash".

"Where is Derek? Cristina, where is Derek?"

"He was sucked out the side when we hit the trees, and then the back of the plane came off. It came... It came off"

"Lexie and Beck were in the back of the plane", Kelly said.

"I looked to the back, and all I could was freakin' sky"

"Where are they?"

"I don't know! I only have one shoe!"

"I'm bleeding", Meredith said, touching the back of her head. Arizona continued screaming. "Shut up! Shut up!" Cristina yelled. "Shut up!" She stopped and they heard a soft clanging sound. "Do you... Do you hear that sound?" Meredith asked them. "Where is that sound coming from?" "There", Arizona said, pointing. "It's coming from over there". They started walking towards the sound. "Derek!" Meredith exclaimed. "Lexie!" "Beck!" Kelly said.

"Derek! Lexie!"


They finally came across the other half of the plane and saw a hand banging a seatbelt against the side of the plane. "Oh, my God", Kelly whispered.

Mark checked both Lexie and Beck's heartbeats. "Beck. Beck, can you hear me?" Kelly asked. "Hey", Beck replied softly. "I knew you'd all show up", Lexie said weakly, smiling. Mark went over to Meredith and Cristina. "How are they?" Meredith asked. "They're both awake and responsive", Mark informed her, but began speaking in a lower voice. "I think we'll be able to get them both out but Beck is definitely in better shape". "How are you doing in there? Are you okay?" Kelly said to them. "I'm... I'm great", Lexie said. "Mmhmm, me too", Beck added. "Yeah? That's great. We're gonna get you guys out of there, okay? Just hold on", Kelly reassured them. They both nodded. Kelly got up and joined the others. "They're tachycardic and short of breath", she said. "We have to find Derek", Meredith said. "Okay, you know what? We've got them", Cristina said. "So go. Go find him. Go, go. Go try and find him". Meredith reluctantly left to go find Derek. "We gotta get them outta there", Kelly insisted. "Pop it back in", Cristina said to Mark. He nodded and moved to do so but she moaned in pain.

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