Chapter Nineteen

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"Every little kid knows the words to the song: the foot bone's connected to the leg bone, the leg bone's connected to the knee bone. In med school, you learn it's a little more complicated than that. But still, the song's not wrong. Everything is connected. The foot bone's connected to the leg bone. The leg bone's connected to the knee bone. And if you take one piece out... the rest just falls apart. The human body is made up of systems that keep it alive. There's the one that keeps you breathing, and the one that keeps you standing, the one that makes you hungry, and the one that makes you happy. They're all connected. Take a piece out, and everything else falls apart. And it's only when our support systems look like they might fail us, that we realise how much we depended on them all along"

"tell me, just what the hell is a lover supposed to do?"

Aurora opened her eyes and found Owen standing over her.

"I think you're beautiful"

She looked at him and smiled softly.

Another stream of air came up and Aurora laughed. He leaned in and kissed her.

"I'm trying to love you. Why won't you let me?"

"Grey, ride with Karev. He's on a baby run"

"Owen, I said I'm fine"

"You killed our baby! You don't ever forget that!"

She stopped eating her cereal and launched the bowl at his face. She watched him calmly as milk and cereal dripped from his face.

Two drinks were placed on the bar. "I'm still shaking", a blonde woman said, picking up her glass. "You do that every day?" "Not on the weekends, usually", Owen replied.

"I'm pretty sure I'd be an alcoholic if I had your job"

"They kind of frown upon alcoholism in my line of work, so..."

She started chugging her drink.


"See? That's why I could never be a surgeon"

"Well, thank you for the drink. I gotta go"

"One more. Come on. Please. It's the least I can do"

"And then what happened?" Aurora asked Owen as she lay in their bed. "Aurora", he started.

"And then what happened?"

"Aurora, I don't know what good this is doing"

"There isn't any good. This... Seriously, how could this be doing any good?"

"I'm not saying... Aurora, I..."

"Stop saying my name"

"I want to fix this. I want to fix this. Whatever you want me to do, I will do. But this... You're asking me to hurt you. You're asking me to torture you with the details..."

"Of you having sex with another woman. I wanna know every detail. You wanna fix this? I wanna know how this happened"

While walking through the park with Sofia, Callie was quizzing Lucy and Meredith. "You've found a 7.5 centimetre triple-A on your 85-year-old patient. Go", she said. "Get an angio, assess his pulmonary and cardiac function, and see if he's a candidate for an endovascular repair", Meredith replied.


"Why not?"

"Because the patient's dead. You killed him. He's dead"

"I didn't kill him. I did a stent graft and now he's living without the threat of a rupture, which is not dead"

"I think you should buy him flowers, 'cause he's dead"

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