Chapter Seventeen

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"We're trained to be vigilant. To chase down the problem. To ask all the right questions. To find the root cause, until we know exactly what it is. And we can confront it. It takes an extreme amount of caution, or we can overstep ourselves. We can create problems, where none exist. Our intentions are always pure, we always want to do what's right. But we also have the drive to push boundaries, so we're in danger of taking things too far. We're told to do no harm, while we're trained to cut you open with a knife. So, we do things, when we should have left well enough alone. Because it's hard to admit when there's no problem to treat. To let it alone, before we make it so much worse. Before we cause such terrible damage"

"with you i just feel i'm spending wasting time"

In the middle of the night, Owen and Aurora were lying in bed. She was awake. She leaned over and stared at Owen's sleeping face. She held his nose and he woke up. "What...", he said.


He looked at her weirdly then turned his head to go back to sleep.

At 3:12am, Aurora was lying in bed. Owen came up the stairs, took off his jacket and went into the bathroom, turning the shower on. She got up, taking his phone out of his jacket pocket and looking at it.

At 4:40am, Aurora was on the phone. "Dr Hunt, please", she said. "No, he did not go home for the night. This is Dr Sloan. Page him. No, I will hold".

Aurora was at the hospital. She opened an on-call room door and found Owen. He squinted at the light. "What? What is it?" he asked.

"You didn't come home"

"Yeah, there was a bus crash. What time is it? What are you doing here?"

"I just... I figured you had a rough night, so...I brought you some coffee"

"Great. Thanks. Where is it?"

"I forgot it. But... You go back to sleep"


She closed the door just as Nurse Emily walked by.

Aurora caught up with Kelly and Beck. "Hey, have you seen Owen?" she asked them. "Why? Is everything okay?" Kelly replied.

"I have to pull the plug on a brain dead trauma. I need Owen to approve it"

"There he is", Beck said, pointing at the ER nurses station. They watched through the window as he shared his snack with Nurse Emily.

"So he's just sharing his nasty trail mix with someone. I mean, people do that. It doesn't mean anything. Aurora"

"What?" Aurora said.

"It's fine"

"I know"


"Okay, let's go over the game plan again", Jackson said to Mark. "If we see my mother...". "We're buried with work today", Mark finished.

"And you're sorry, but Jackson has no time to spend with her, okay?" "There you are", Catherine said, entering the room with a young woman. "Dr Avery", Mark greeted her.

"Dr Sloan. How nice to see you again. And this is?"

"Dr Kelly Ripa", Kelly said.

"Ah, yes, I know your mother. How is she, my dear?"

"Good, as always. Keeping busy"

"Excellent. Now move out of my way so I can see my boy"

She walked over to Jackson and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You look skinny", she commented. "Tell me you did not forget your tux". "Tux?" Mark asked.

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