Chapter Eleven

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"Have you ever had the starring role in a play? A solo in a recital? All eyes on you. Waiting for you to do what they came to see. Feeling the incredible pressure to perform. There was a time when they used to call operating rooms an operating theatre. It still feels like one. Scores of people get ready for the show, the sets are arranged, there are costumes, masks, props, everything has to be rehearsed, choreographed, all leading to the moment when the curtain goes up. You know what they say about Carnegie Hall? There is only one way to get there. If only life was just a dress rehearsal... And we had time for do-overs... We'd be able to practise and practise every moment until we got it right. Unfortunately, every day of our lives is its own performance. It seems like even when we get the chance to rehearse and prepare and practice, we're still never quite ready for life's grand moments"

"why the hurry? let me pace myself"

Owen got ready for work as Aurora lay in bed. "Are you gonna be okay here on your own today?" he asked her. She didn't respond.

"Kelly said her and Beck might stop by later"

She stayed silent.

"Ok, I'll see you later. I love you"

She didn't say anything and simply turned around to lay on her other side.

The surgeons were gathered in the OR. "Practice, practice, practice until it is perfect, people", Owen said. "This is a long, complex procedure with many parts. Therefore many opportunities for error. So we're gonna go over this again. Team leaders, let's get in place". "Alright, green team over here, please", Derek said. "Let's go, red", Arizona said. "We've offered this family every pro bono dollar, every surgical hand, every resource this hospital has", Owen continued. "So I'm asking you for every resource that you have. Be sharp, be present, be focused. Dr Robbins has been caring for these children since the day they were born. They will each get a new life today. Our actions will decide what kind of lives they will be". He took the cover off of the operating table revealing two dolls, meant to be the conjoined twins they would operate on. "Let's begin", he said.

"Flaps are inset and viable", Mark said. "We are looking at at least 18 hours so come and go if you need to, hydrate, eat, but be here at least 30 minutes before your procedures", Owen said. "Alright. Next up, general surgery", Arizona said. "First we need to establish each baby's blood supply to the shared colon". "Then we separate the colon, making the first incision–", one of the doctors said.

"I will make the first incision. We'll separate the colon"

"Ok, and now I'm checking the displaced kidneys–"

"To make sure they're intact and functioning"

"Uh, that's implied"

"I don't care. Say it"

"Checking the kidneys to make sure they're intact and functioning"

"Man, she's wound up tight", Richard muttered. "Thought you were off work today", Lucy replied.

"I won't see another one of these in my lifetime. You're doing the flip, right, Karev, with Robbins?"

"Mm-hmm", Alex said.

"The flip's a critical part. You ready?"

"Yes, sir"

"You forgot to cauterise", Arizona snapped. "You want this baby to bleed out?" "Do I?" the doctor replied. "No, I–".

"Yeah, I should think not"

"Look, I know this procedure is her baby, but if she keeps nitpicking everybody, she'll destroy their confidence. Don't let her do that to you"

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