Chapter Six

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"As babies, we were easy. One cry meant you were hungry, another you were tired. It's only as adults that we become difficult. We start to hide our feelings, put up walls. It gets to the point where we never really know how anyone thinks or feels. Without meaning to, we become masters of disguise. It's not always easy to speak your mind, sometimes you need to be forced to do it. Sometimes, it's better to just keep things to yourself, though, play dumb, even when your whole body's aching to come clean. So you shut your mouth, keep your secret, and find other ways to keep yourself happy" 

"control yourself"

"Fifth year is the hardest year of your residency", Owen stated to the residents in the resident's lounge. "Every surgery you do will go on your record, the wins and the losses". As he was speaking, Meredith rushed in in pink scrubs and sat in between Cristina and Lucy. "In just a few months, you will...", he continued. "What did I miss?" Meredith asked. "You're OB now?" Jackson said. "Oh, how the mighty have fallen, huh?" "She misses Zola. Her uterus hurts", Alex said, causing a smack from Lucy. "Oh, leave her alone, dirtbag", Cristina threatened. "You are embarrassing me". "I'm getting to deliver babies", Meredith replied. "I'm making life, you know?"

"Yeah, you know what? You're making me gag. Okay, slumming it in OB for a few weeks is okay. Whatever. But wearing the vagina squad scrubs in public? We have standards, Meredith"

"It is extremely important that you rack up as many good outcomes as possible for your boards", Owen said. "I am implementing a system. I will receive an email if any of you exceed more than 10 bad outcomes in your OR. Ten. Any more is unacceptable". April rushed in. "Welcome, Dr Kepner", he greeted her. "Sorry. I got stuck in the lab with Bailey", she explained.

"I don't care where you were. I care that you already have, let's see, two bad outcomes in your OR"

"Loser", Alex laughed.

"Of course that's nothing compared to Karev's impressive five bad outcomes"

"Oh!", April said, laughing. "I keep getting dud patients", Alex defended. "Tell it to your board examiners", Owen said. "The point, people, is to keep your bad outcomes to a minimum, or you will be hard-pressed to find a fellowship next year".

Callie, Cristina and Lucy stepped out of the elevator. Cristina was texting on her phone and not listening. "I should be grateful that they're getting along, right?" Callie said. "But I'm not, though. I'm bitter. All they do is cook together and talk about food and watch shows where other people talk about food and...". Callie took Cristina's phone and read it. "Don't read that", Cristina warned. "I'll bend you over the conference room table and...", she started to read but stopped, shocked. "Okay, why did you let me read that". "Cristina, who is that from?" Lucy asked. "Are you dating someone?" "Maybe", Cristina smirked. "He can't get enough of me. Jealous?"

"Hey, I get plenty, thank you"

"I was talking to Callie"


"But good to know Alex is giving you the good stuff"

"I am jealous, actually. Of both of you", Callie said. "Arizona and I haven't had much "alone time" lately, and so instead, we eat".

"Oh, that's depressing"

"Yeah, let's just talk about the case"

"Okay. What is it?"


"Hip replacement, shoulder dislocation?"

Lucy and Callie shared an amused look. "This is your first time copiloting with me", Callie said. "You think I'm gonna bore you with routine crap?"

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