Week 2 Day 1

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„Hey Sadie! Come here real quick!" I rush to Brad. „Help me with this curtain. It won't hold. It keeps falling down. That's really bad." „Yeah, have you already tried glue?" „Dummy, that's my curtain. It's supposed to fall tonight. But at the right time." „Oh yeah right. Maybe switch ours. How's that sound?" „Good idea and then out glue on this one. Thanks. Oh and I think Chad needs you." I pet his shoulder as I walk past him to the trailer of Chad.

I knock and call him but don't get an answer. „Chad! I'm coming inside now." Slowly I open the door. I look around and find him sitting on his bed. He looks up to me and is shivering really hard. „Oh alright. Remember what we talked about. Where is the fidget toy?" He points weakly to a shelf. I open it and grab that fidget spinner to hand it to him. „I'm gonna sit down next to you." Slowly I get on the bed and stroke his back. „Have you spoken to your family?" He nods. „How's your little brother? Is he excited to see you on Tv tonight?" Chad smiles and starts to calm down. „Yeah I bet he his. Well maybe he's gonna be on Tv with you one day. Did you tell him that?"

He nods. „I bet he was really excited about that. But he's so cute tho." „He was." I smile gently. „Hey by the way, what about ice cream, do you want some?" „In my fridge." He says. I grab two and hand him one. We eat in silence and only listen to the yelling from outside for a while. „Which color of suit are you wearing tonight?" „The others agreed on dark blue I thought." „Oh right, I forgot. I like that one best in you." He smiles as suddenly someone knocks at the door. „Should I get it?" He nods.

I open the door only to stretch my head out. „Need anything Alyssia?" „Yeah." „Well what is it?" „Uhm you." „One sec." I close the door and look at Chad. „Imma head out. Let me know if you need anything." He just nods so I get out. „Okay so we have a problem with your dress for the big reveal. It's not gonna be how you wanted it." „Huh? Why's that?" „I don't know. That's what I've been told." „I'll deal with it later. Thank you. Todays reveal is Brad, Chad was the week before and yours is next week and then the week after that it's Jacobs turn right?" „Yeah and then you but yours is the biggest one." „Got it. Thank you. When do we have to be ready?" „Yeah in like half an hour."

I wink at her and then rush to my trailer. Quickly I put on black leggings and a black tight top. Again I check in on Chad. „How are you doing buddy?" „I'm good. Thanks." „Alright. It's okay to be nervous. Everyone is. It could all go wrong you know but you're safe already. Everyone loves you and you even get to go first on stage today. Excited?" „I am. But let's go now or the fans aren't gonna be as happy as now." We head under the stage where I step onto the front platform with a curtain in front of it.

Chad runs on stage and the fans are going crazy and then our platforms rise one by one. We perform our usual and as the curtain in front of Brad drops, the fans go crazy. They won't even stop screaming anymore. It puts a smile on my face. I turn around to check in on them all and everyone seems to be doing amazing. That's how I like my performances to go!

The platforms sink again and it's over. Another concert and another revealing. It went amazing! We hug each other. „Guys you were amazing." I compliment them. „Yeah so we're you tho." I smile and we all head to our trailers. As I am about to undress my leggings it knocks at my door. „Come on in." Chad gets I side. „Sadie can we please not talk about earlier?" „I don't know what you mean." „Thanks. And also, are you sure you're not a fallen angel?" I laugh and throw a pillow at him. „Get out."

The next day I get woken up by my alarm. Quickly I put on some grey joggers and a black hoodie and get outside to the main tent. The others aren't here yet so I quickly grab a croissant and head back to my trailer to pack my bags. Next week we're playing in New York. It's gonna be amazing.

It knocks at my trailer again. „I'm almost ready." It knocks again so I get up and open the door. Before I know it a little boy jumps on me. „Auntie Sadie!" At first I don't recognize him but then I do. „Oh hi Tom. Did Chad bring you here?" „Yes. He said I could fly with you." „Oh yeah? Well let's hope he's not lying." I take his hand and we head to the main tent where everyone is gathered. The little boy hides behind my leg. „Guys, we have a guest flying with us today." „Aww, sure you can Tom." Alyssia says and kneels down. „Alright guys. Are you ready?" They all nod while eating. „So am I. Let's get going." „Did you already eat?" „I took a croissant Brad. Thanks." „Okay but did you est it?" Jacob asks.

„Yeah, why wouldn't, oh, I." I look at my hand where I hold it. We all laugh. That's typical for me. „Do you want it Tom?" He nods so I give it to him. He's the sweetest Boy.

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