Week 2 Day 7

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It's three past midnight and I turn off the computer. At least I got to finish up some important stuff. As I walk through the trailers, everything is completely silent. I can even hear the highway from about two or three kilometers away. I head into my trailer and throw myself on the bed. It's not really comfy but it'll do for one night. Also this stupid headache won't go away. It got better with the pills but it's still here.

My alarm wakes me at 7. I am so tired. Yesterday was really exhausting and I went to bed really late and this day is also gonna be long, I have to be careful to take enough brakes. I get ready and dress myself.

Today is colder than the days before

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Today is colder than the days before. I think it's slowly changing to fall but I didn't expect anything else, it's mid September.

I leave the trailer and head to the main tent where I am alone except some staff who work extra shifts. I get a coffee and a croissant and eat it in silence. Just as I am finished, Alyssia and Brad walk to up to me. They both look really happy and it's strange that they come here together. She lives in the opposite direction of Brad. „Hey guys. Did I miss something?" „Uh no, did we?" „Except the bad coffee, nothing much. I have some work left in the office anyways so you know where to find me if you need me." I get up and leave. They're both acting weird, I wonder what's going on.

Not much later after I started working, Alyssia comes inside. „Hey, so I just wanted to tell you that me and Brad hooked up last night." „Oh Uhm, okay. That's nice." „You're not jealous?" I giggle. „Jealous? No. I mean he's nice and stuff but not my type like not at all." She scoffs and leaves and bangs the door in its lock. What was that all about? Is she trying to make me jealous? I wonder what her problem is and besides, wasn't she the one saying a few days ago that if there would be any sort of relationship between us that this wouldn't work out? I just hope that whatever she's up to won't ruin our band.

About 12 I head to the main tent to get something to eat. The others are already gathered around a table with their soups. I get one for myself too and head to them. „Sadie there's a question from the tech guy. You should talk to him and then take a nap. You won't be able to stay up all day long." Chad tries to command me. „Yeah we'll see. Why are all of you being so weird to me?" I look in their faces trying to hide something but no one says a word. „Okay whatever, just leave everything off stage. Imma leave you alone." I grab my bowl of soup and leave. „Sadie no need to be pissed!" Jacob stops me and I turn back around. „I am not. You guys won't tell me what's on your minds and I know there is something and until you figure out how to tell me, Imma go."

With that I turn back around and head to the tech guy. „Hey, there was a problem of some sort?" „Uh yeah there is. You wanted sparks on the side of the stage as soon as the curtain falls but we can't put it to the same lever and would have to do it separately wich costs more money and we don't know if it's gonna be at the exact same timing." „Can you guys practice?" „No, the sparks are only working once." „Okay well I trust you with that, get your best guys and let them do it." He nods and I head to my trailer. As soon as I finished my soup I lay down on the bed and set an alarm in one and a half hours so I don't oversleep.

My phone goes off like crazy so I mute the alarm. This was a great nap. But I should get dressed for the show now. Well the jeans I can keep on but not the hoodie. I put on a black top as always and pop some pills for my headache to go away. That's really strange. It's not getting better but neither is it getting worse. Outside everyone is already in a hurry to get somewhere and everything. It's really chaotic. In the main tent I meet Jacob so I sit down opposite of him. „Hey, are you nervous?" „Yeah well it's not better since last time we spoke but you look way better, did you sleep?" I nod on that.

„I am starting to worry about my suit, if it's gonna come in time. Alyssia had trouble with her dress you know." „Yeah for sure it will. Even if it doesn't, you can always head to the mall and buy yourself one." He nods and then takes another sip from his coffee. „Where are the others even?" He asks and looks around. I do too but see no one. „Maybe they're getting ready. I mean they all have to look flawless you know." „Yeah let's look for them." We get up and first head to the hair dresser but they haven't been there yet so we head to the make up artists where we find Alyssia.

„Have you seen Brad and Chad?" Jacob asks a bit worried. „They're at Chads trailer." Well that is something new. "Alright Imma check on tem real quick." Jacob nods and I quickly head there. Hopefully everything is alright with them. We do not need trouble or something. I am just about to knock at the door as I hear them from inside talking. "Okay that was amazing!" Brad says out of breath. I put my ear on the door. "It was, but let's not tell Sadie, I don't wanna get in trouble." Chad responds. "If you want that, what about Jacob and Alysssia?" "If they don't tell her, there shouldn't be a problem." The door opens so I quickly take a step and act like as if I was just about to knock.

"Oh hey, what are you doing here?" Chad asks stressed while going through his hair with his hand. "I just wanted to check in on you." "I am fine, really." "Have you seen Brad?" "Nope I did not." "Alright thanks, well tell him to get going already if you see him." He just nods so I leave again. I mean I am happy for them but why don't they wanna tell me? Whatever, i can't worry about that now.

After a bit we head all to our plattforms and get liftet up, right before they let the people into the stadium. It's silent, no one is talking so I turn around. "We're gonna do amazing tonight guys." They just nod and then everyone minds their own business again. I don't know what it is but something is definitely going on here. I check my phone and have a few angry texts from Mom so I call her. "I am here and you are not! I thought you were happy that I am here!" "Look, I have something different to do right now. I'll see you tomorrow." "I'm already leaving again then." "Okay then we don't see each other." "You know you're only seventeen young lady." "I know I am but not for long anymore." With that she hangs up. Welp that went great.

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