Week 3 Day 2

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My alarm wakes me up at seven in the morning. I get downstairs and eat breakfast while checking my messages. It's interesting, Alyssia, Chad, Brad and Jacob texted me how I am, normally no one does this. I just ignore them all and finish eating but as I scroll through Insta, a picture of Alyssia and Jacob on his private account crosses my eyes. They are smiling and look happy, they never did this. Either I am really missing out on something right now or they just wanna make me jealous. I get dressed.

With everything I get in the car and drive to the mall

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With everything I get in the car and drive to the mall. As I enter I have to think about what would happen if I did this after my reveal, it would probably a big desaster. I walk through a few of shops who all have nice dresses but just not what I am looking for. We all always dress up the same colour, that's what we decided and for my big reveal I chose white actually. At first I wanted blue but since that was Alyssias colour, I chose white. The one I had was amazing, you couldn't see my protese and it was still kinda tight and everything, all together I can say I looked great in it.

Something like this picure, just optimized to my body

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Something like this picure, just optimized to my body. It's frustraing. I've been in nearly every shop here and didn't find anything. I sit down at a cafe and order something. I check my social media and notice how many girls are pretending to be me. It's sad to see this but latest when I am getting revealed, the whole world will know. I scroll a bit further and see one of my absolutely favourite artists posting a statement to our band, more to me. Taylor Swift Posted this: "I have listened to a few songs of "The Invincibles" and I think they are all amazing. I don't think that the lead singer would reveal herself before the actual and official reveal in two weeks. As soon as everyone knows who she is, I am looking forward to meeting the band." HOLY SHIT:

I send it immediately to the others. Sure I have ignored their texts, but I'l answer them now. I just say "Yeah I'm good.", and that's it. This post just made my day. Wait, did I like it? I scroll back to it. How could I forget tho? Anyways, I should get going now, there are only two stores left, hopefuly I'll find something there.

While walking through the mall I think about the post. She's happy to meet us but on the other hand, I think many people are very happy to be meeting all of us. I get into the first one but find nothing, one dress is pretty but not what I am looking for. Okay, last chance. I head into the last store and look around. "Can I help you?" I turn around to the nice lady. "I am looking for a white dress, I want it to be kinda sexy but I also want it to cover my right leg. Do you have something like that here?" "Well if you're explaining it like that. WOuld you mind a few gems?" "I was looking for something without some but I'll take a look."

I follow her to the very back to a door where she stops. "We're only allowed to show these dresses to some of our exclusice customers but I have a feeling that you really need this one. Don't tell anyone about it tho." "Okay, this seems really scetchy but will do." The brunette unocks the door and then makes sure no ones watching us. I am really hoping she won't lock me inside tho. It's dark as we get in and I can't see anything. She closes the door and only then turns on the light. My jaw drops. The dresses standing here are the prettiest I have ever seen. They have many variations and many different colours.

"Follow me." I do as she asks.. Completely overwhelmed I am looking for the white dress she wants to show me. There are already a few dresses I'd buy immeadiately but as she stops, I know I've found the one. It's almost magical. I love it so much. It's better than perfect. "You can try it on. It has a slit but on the left side, I hope you don't mind." I swallow. "As long as it covers the right leg." "I hope so. Can I ask you why?" I hesitate and think about it, but on the other hand, what's the worst that could happen? "I have a protese and some people don't know it yet. I don't want them to find out about it." She nods and leans down. WHat is she doing. Slowly she pulls up her jeans a little bit. "You too." She gets up again. "Take your time." With that she leaves me alone with the dress and I try it on.

" With that she leaves me alone with the dress and I try it on

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I want it. The best thing about it is, the others are still thinking I am wearing the other one. This is just perfect, everything. I change back and head with it back outside where the lady is already waiting for me. "I think you know my answer." She smiles. "Whatever you're using it for, you're gonna steal everyone the show." I pay a great price for it but honestly, that's worth it.

Overly happy I leave the store and head back to my car. As soon as I start the motor, my phoe rings so I pick up. "Oh thank god Sadie. I need your help." "Calm down Jacob, what is it?" "My suit cannot be delivered, I am stressing out." "Okay meet me at the mall." We shop for him a green suit and find one that he likes. Neither of us says one word about Brad and Chad or anything about the band.

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