Week 4 Day 3

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I get downstairs completely sleepy and get myself a glass of Water. "Didn't sleep well?" I turn around to see Jacob with red eyes. "Uh yeah. You look high tho." "Nah, just Alyssia." "Oh I'm sorry. Do you wanna talk?" He nods slightly and then takes a sip of his water. I nod at him and head upstairs to change realy quick.

As I head back downstairs, Alyssia is there as well

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As I head back downstairs, Alyssia is there as well. She looks so pissed, I have never seen her like that. "Morning." She mumbles to me while pouring herself some cereal. "Hi. Okay come on Jacob." He gets up and we head outside through the front door. "You know you shouldn't have dressed up like that. I am in Joggers." "I don't care. Let's go in the woods, I hope no one will be there." He agrees and we walk a bit.

"So what's up?" "Please don't judge me for it but I kinda broke up with her and I know what you're thinking that it lasted only a few days but let me explain." "Hey you don't have to explain anything." "I want to and it would be just fair." He takes a short break from talking and all there is to hear are the birds chirping and the wind going through the leaves of the trees.

"I liked both of you really much and then she came up to me and said that she liked me too so it just happened. I was so happy until I realized that she only said that because she wanted to make you jealous. At first I told myself that it's just in my mind but then after we faked haing Sex the other night I couldn't do it anymore and that's what I told her." I stop him. "Okay but it seems like you are hurt, not her." "Yeah that's because she tried to convince me that she actually liked me and everything and so I told her to proof it to me so she did. We slept together and for a few minutes I thought I was the happiest guy on earth but then she probably felt bad and told me that I was right." He takes a deep breath and I stop.

After a few steps he stops too and turns around to me. "I am telling you the truth Sadie." "I believe you, but that she is that jealous of me? How could she possibly hurt you like that?" "Look, you do remember what I told you in the parking lot in front of the zoo right?" "Yeah I do, but I am honestly surprised she would go that far. That's just mean." He nods. "I'm gonna talk to her." "No don't. I mean I know you only mean to do good but you'd probably make it worse." He is probably right.

We chat a little and then get back. The whole day I talk to no one if I don't have to and go swimming until I get ready for the party. Before I leave I eat some bread. The others compliment me on my looks. Alyssia doesn't mean it tho.

I arrive at the adress the girl gave me and start searching for her. The party is inside a huge house, In the kitchen people are already really drunk but the music is playing from the living room so I head there and see the girl sitting on the couch. She spots me and calls me over so I si down next to her. "I knew you look amazing. These are my friends and I am Millie." "Hey, I'm Sadie."

At first I just awkwardly listen to them talking until two guys get to us and hand everyone a Beer, even me. I am way too young to drink so I'll just pretend to be. Someone has the idea to play truth or dare and I agree. Luckily I know no one here so it can't get that bad. The others are first and pick each other of course as one of the guys picks me. "Truth." "Really? The first time here with us and being shy?" "Alright fine, dare." "Ex your beer." I look at my cup wich is completely full still. I am doomed. "Come on, don't be a pussy. We all saw you didn't take one sip." I sigh and stand up and start swallowing that stuff. It doesn't taste good tho. Somehow I manage to do that. Everyone is cheering and I sit down and spin the bottle. It's not too bad tho.

It lands on a girl. "Dare me girl." She says. From what I've seen she really likes this one guy sitting opposite of her. "Kiss him." She smiles at me and he looks surprised. Neither of them hesitate and kiss each other intensly. Milllie leans to me. "You've got a good eye, no one of us would dare to dare her that." Well that could be a good or a bad thing now, I hope it's good. We play another few rounds and the dizziness starts to kick. A guy ets upand comes back shortly after with two drinks. He sits down next to me and hands me a cup. Millie then picks me. "Dare again." This was a bad desicion. "Go sit on Jasons lap, it's pretty tight here now." Yeah right, as if that's the reason. I do it anyways and all the other guys look jealous. During the next spin he whispers in my ear. "You should drink more honey, you're gonna be the only one sober." I just smile on that as the bottle lands on us.

"Okay who of you two wants to go for it?" Someone asks. "Do you want to?" Jason asks me. "No it's fine." He smiles. "Okay Sadie, Truth or Dare." "Truth." "Well then you first have to drink." Millie explains to me. "Dare then." "Okay, ex your beer." Jason laughs. "You're kidding me, I wanna switch again." Suddenly everyone starts hyping me up: "Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!" I sigh and get up and start pouring that stuff into me. It does taste better now tho. As I put the cup down I get really dizzy and almost trip. The others are laughing. "Imma take a break." I say and head in front of the front door but the fresh air only makes it worse.

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