Week 2 Day 5

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I wake up and take a look at my phone. Shit! It's already 9 am! I should really get dressed and, why the hell am I ok my sofa? Well whatever. I should get dressed and head to school to get everything ready.

This'll do it

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This'll do it. I grab my bag and leave the house. In a hurry I drive to the school and head to the principals office. He seems to be annoyed but I get it, if I'd have his job I'd be annoyed too. „Sadie. I already prepared everything here. Since you're parents aren't home I will just call them and ask for their permission." I quickly sign everything he hands me to. „Alright. Grab everything out of your locker and leave the books on my desk and then, I wish you a happy life." Sarcastically I laugh and leave the room. God he's an asshole tho. Whatever. I grab all my belongings and but the books down on his desk. „Hopefully we won't see each other very often." He agrees on that one.

I leave as I check my phone and also answer a few worried texts from the other band members. We agreed to meet up at 11 backstage of where we're gonna be playing in two days. It's always a lot of work and we have to prepare everything. As I get there everyone is waiting for me. They hug me in the beginning. „Everyone alright?" I ask. „These people can be so annoying you have no idea. Everyone wants to talk to me, take selfies and wants an autograph." Brad complains which puts a smile on my face. „Yeah and you hate attention. We all get it." Everyone laughs. He loves it being the center of attention.

We all head on stage and there is a moment of silence. I get goosebumps when I think about that I'll be standing here in front of thousands of people in a few weeks and be revealing myself. I am honestly so scared of that moment but I wanna see what it brings. I mean sure the band has been famous for almost two years now and the last half year has been extreme and we all felt comfortable with revealing who we are, well most of us at least. I didn't want it but what was I supposed to say? You all go ahead and imma stay behind a curtain? That's bullshit. Either everyone or no one.

„Alright dreaming is over, now we gotta plan. How about we basically do the same thing as last show with the platforms?" „Okay I like that but I Yh don't we go down like why don't we get lowered from up there." Alyssia says. „How do you wanna do that? From back to front?" „Yeah. First Brad and Chad and then Jacob and me and then you." „Let's ask the tech guys if that's possible. I like that." We search a few and ask them. Most of them tell us that it's gonna be difficult because we'd have to be up there from the moment the people get into the stadium. That's kinda right tho but what don't we do for our fans? We all agree that we are willing to try it out.

The wagon with our clothes arrive. I have again a black tight leggings and a black top and the ones who get reveals are dress coded light blue. „Alyssia, we go get some food and you get dressed. The boys wanna see what you're gonna wear." She doesn't hesitate a second and neither do we and head straight to the main tent for the food. We're all really hungry for some reason. „You seem nervous Jacob." I say after watching him for a while. „I am. You and me are gonna be the only ones behind a curtain at a certain point. I am wondering what the people are gonna expect from me." „Nothing they already do. Also Chad was the first one being revealed, imagine how he must've felt."

Jason sighs deep. „You're right. Also you're still a secret." I wink at him and Alyssia walks in. She looks really good in that dress, I still think it'd suit me better. „Wow. You look amazing." Chad compliments her. „You absolutely do." Brad says while Jason can't shut his mouth any more. I can't not laugh. Everyone looks at me. „Sorry. Your reactions were just so funny but also really cute tho." I smile and take a bite before I say something wrong. It's gonna be a great show. I can feel that.

We all finish eating and then get back to work. It's really exhausting especially for me, I am wearing long jeans and it's really hot tho. At some point Chad walks up to me. „Are you okay? You look really pale and you've been working the whole time. You should take a seat." „I am fine. I just have to finish here real quick." He pulls me back and I realize how shaky I am. I sit down in the shadow and take a sip of water. „You take a break near the fan." With that command he leaves. Alright boss.

After a few minutes I feel better again and get back to work. As soon as the sun hides itself behind the hills it gets colder with every breeze of wind. Someone suddenly touches my shoulder and I jump. „Oh my god you scared me Brad." „I am sorry. We're done for today. Come on now." „Alright you guys go. Imma finish here." „No you don't. We can do that tomorrow. If anything is up with you you always hide yourself behind the work." I take a deep breath. He's right. I just don't know any better.

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