Week 3 Day 7

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Today is the day. I get up and check social Meida. Everyone is going crazy and is so happy to see Jacob. If they are that wild for him now, I wonder what's it going to be in a week, when it's my reveal time tho. Some famous people are at our concert and live streaming everything they said. Some artists don't want that but we think of it as ad. We're getting more famous that way even tho most of the world knows us already.

I head to the main tent and find Jacob freaking out

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I head to the main tent and find Jacob freaking out. I rush to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Hey, what's up? Calm down." "Thank god you're here. I am so nervous you have no idea." "Okay sit down, it's just a panic attack. Listen, you don't do anything different from what you ever do and these few words you're saying, are just gonna make these people even more happy." "You're probably right." His breathing slows down. "What if I mess up? Now they can see me." "You never messed up and even if you do, just carry on, they won't notice and if they do, it's not that big of a deal. We're also just human. All the big artists also messed up. Ariana Grande forgot her lyrics, Billie Eilish fell, Taylor Swift didn't wanna do a stunt she prepared and so on. Don't think about it too much." He nods and Chad walks in.

"Oh hey, are you two alright?" "Yeah we are. You seem stressed tho." I answer him while rubbing Jacobs back and him trying to breath slowly. "I am and so should you. The tech guy said there was a problem." "Alright. Can you stay with Jacob, I'll check it out." I say calmly while inside I am everythin but calm, really, I do not need any sort of problem right now. As I get there they are already expecting me. "Look, we can make the curtain fall and everything but the steel where it hangs on won't rise." "Why is that?" "Because there is some problem with the roll that gets it up there." "Okay that's not that big of a deal. As soon as it falls Jacob will just push it to me on its rolls and I'll hide it behind my curtain, will that be a thing?" "Yeah but if the curtain falls in front of the rolls he can't do that." "I see, and if Jacob just takes a step back like that he doesn't stand on the plattform but on the actual stage and you'll just get it down and then rise the plattform again?" He thinks about it and then slowly nods. Perfect.

I rush back to Jacob and Chad and explain the situation but he seems to be fine with that. "You should eat something Jacob." Chad then says and he is right so thinks the lady who makes the food here and brings him a croissant. Jacob eats it and then Brad comes to us. They two kiss and I just have to look away, I don't know why but I can't see that. "Are you alright?" He asks amd we nod. Just now I realize that my headache has gone away, luckily.

We all split up and I cross Alyssias way a few times. She doesn't say one word to me. Did I do something wrong? I don't think so. I mostly do stuff in the office and while the others are already putting on their clothes and everything, I am taking a break. As every show I put on a leggings and a black top. I head to the others and check in on them. Everyone is alright. Jacob is a bit nervous but he plays it off well. Before the show starts I hug everyone. „We are soon on stage and everything we have been through or done we should leave down here. We are one team, one big family and we are gonna rock that concert." They all nod and we head to our platforms.

I am not so sure about today to be honest. Something about Alyssia is off. I am not worried that she'll mess up or anything because she won't, she's a great singer tho but I am worried that her mood will ruin it. Now everyone can see her and she has to smile and be happy the whole time and I don't know if she can do that or if she will do that.

The fans are yelling and seem happy to finally see who Jacob is. We rise and their screams fill my whole body, every bit of bad feeling is gone, I am feeling really good. I turn around and the others seem to feel the same way. We start to sing and everything is great and then, Jacobs reveal, it's perfect even. The people love him. The song is finished and I can finally take a sip of my water. „Hello Guys!" Jacob says and raises his hand. The fans go crazy. I look at him and he at me. I nod and his smile grows even bigger. „I think this is the perfect timing to tell you guys about our new song! Dropping in a week at our concert!"

The people are freaking out and I can really see how much this means to Jacob. We finish the concert and afterwards we all hug. „This was amazing." Jacob says completely overwhelmed. „I'm glad you feel that way." I say smiling and give him a hug. „We should get that all off and then head to sleep." Chad says. „Yeah. I will be away the next few days guys." I tell them and they all listen to me shocked. „I thought it's best if you guys could spend some time without your boss you know." Brad scoffs. „You're kidding right? You're the only reason we all are here in the first place. Where ever you're going, we're coming with you." „If that's the case, I'm pleased to show you around my new house."

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