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The thing was, Xel hated being alone at night like this. The only thing he did during these times was be bored, have his thoughts wander or cry over his old friends. Not tonight, he promised himself silently.

But... that also meant he would have to do something, and there was nothing for him to do. His eyes had already searched the area well, enough to be bored of it at least, so instead, he found himself pacing back and forth. It was mildly entertaining for him all of five minutes before he was just as bored as before.

He merely sighed as he moved his eyes around. Still nothing of interest it seemed, but at least he wasn't crying tonight yet.

He slowly turned to the wall as he continued to look around outside. Perhaps a stroll or a fly around the perimeter of their shelter would do him some good. It wasn't like he had to stay here, right? It didn't mean he was leaving Miesall alone, not that he would know if he had.... Right?

Getting this idea, he smirked. He pulled out his axe and broke a hole through the wall before stepping through it. He then repaired it, good as new, before putting the axe in his inventory. He found the night to be cool, the wind ruffling through his feathers and hair. He smiled at that as he extended his wings and flew off.

He began by flying only a few blocks away. Stretching and using his wings like this was invigorating to say the least— it really helped the blood begin pumping through his veins. Circling around and around, he began venturing further and further out. Soon he could barely see the hutt Miesall was even in, beholding the landscape that he now held in his sights.

Finally, he decided that it would be alright if he were to commit to adventuring on his own. He headed onwards, closer to spawn. Just a sneak peak of what was to come, he told himself.

The landscape was about what he would expect, and it quickly became monotonous. It was still better than sitting in that shack, crying about nothing, he told himself, so he kept going.

Soon he noticed light in the horizon, a kind that came from a village or a large exposed pool of lava. As he felt excitement run through him, he silently told himself he'd just see what it was and then head back. He had been flying a good distance after all and wanted to be sure to come back long before his shift was over.

He lowered himself nearer to the ground, keeping his body a bit more hidden. He wandered just above a group of trees, sending out his eyes to search the path ahead of him.

When he found the source of light, he gasped. Before his eyes laid an elven village, large and well established. Buildings stood tall and proud, made out of natural materials such as wood and cobblestone. Even though they used a lot of things that a simple generated village would use, this area looked so much more full of life.

The roofs of the houses were noticeably complex, and each and every building was different from the others. Each one had its own personality, and yet they also somehow came together in harmony in a way that clearly showed they were all meant to be together.

Lights shown throughout the village, torches in glass jars hanging from strings and vines lit the area. Some were even left floating in the air, given the appearance of the flying lights of Vexes and their hybrids. Light flooded from everywhere in a mystical and magical display.

Small little flowers littered the ground, covering it in a vast array of colors. Trees popped up in areas, and buildings were built incorporate them in their design, harmonizing both the natural and unnatural.

As it was late, there was no one one around. There were lights in the window, however, showing that there were indeed people around. The area looked natural, but it was clear that it had been well cared for. The vines were trimmed, the flowers were lively and some of the branches of trees had been severed off.

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