Chapter 2

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It has been two weeks and all I want is to find the truth. The questions are right at the tip of my tongue but I dare not ask them. Soon after having that dream I realized my marriage to Jay was not as perfect as I thought it was. I began to notice everything wrong with it. With us or more like ,with him.

About three years ago I woke up in this isolated house in the middle of nowhere with absolutely no memory of who I was. I knew nothing about my life. The only other person there was Jay who I didn't know about too and a doctor he'd called as soon as I woke up. They had told me about my tumor and about my memory loss and how not to rush it.

Jay and I being the only people here were always together and soon he would tell me all about how we were in love before my illness and he had moved us here after I complained how the city was too noisy for me and seeing my condition he'd moved us here where it was quiet. I was really touched by what he'd done for me I dared not doubt any word he'd said to me after that.

When Jay proposed to me less than a month later I wanted to decline but all I could think about was what he'd done for me. I therefore said yes in a heartbeat even though I was so far away from being in love with him.

A year into the marriage and I couldn't be happier but I felt like a part of me was missing. I couldn't complain to Jay because he'd done so much for me and I thought it was about my memory at the moment.

Two years into the marriage and I was questioning some of the rules Jay had imposed on me in the house. He had forbidden me from having any social media accounts and got me a burner phone instead or even watching tv.

He'd said that since we'd decided to move into seclusion we should stay away from technology and civilization for a while and would snap at me for the littlest things.

Once I was so bored I decided to try out cooking. Since I had no modern phone to search for a recipe I decided to go to his office and find some magazines if I'm lucky. Sure enough there was one but unfortunately it had no recipes since it was a business magazine.

Seeing as I had nothing better to do I began to read through the top story about a rich billionaire mogul who'd lost his wife three years ago. I was so engrossed in the story I didn't notice Jay come in.

I was snapped out of my reading trance by a fuming Jay who snatched the magazine out of my hands. I was surprised by his actions to say the least.

I knew Jay had a temper but he'd never been this mad before. He glanced at the page I was reading and something in him snapped and he seemed even more mad.

"What the hell are you reading?I thought I told you to stay away from this stuff."he shouted at me.

"Are you even serious?I was bored what do you expect me to do here all day?"I yelled out in frustration.

"Well if you were bored you could have just told me and we would have found something to do together. "he yells back.

"Why are you even mad? I'm the one who has to stay locked up like a prisoner all day while you get to go out and have fun. "I yelled furiously. This seems to hit him and he calms down a bit.

"Debbie you know I'm only looking out for you. The doctor said it's not safe for you yet. "he says softly.

I was so mad I just walked out on him. How dare he raise his voice at me. Later that evening as I was on my way to our room as I passed by his office I caught him tearing a few pages of magazines and documents and place them in a folder while tightly clenching his hands.

Suddenly it hits me just as I'm reliving that memory. He does have something to hide and I will find out what at whatever cost. Something is going on and I have to find out what.

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