Chapter 13

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Bright lights, loud beeping sounds from all over, numbing buzz in my head as I peel my eyelids open. I feel like I just woke up from a very bad dream. Wait. Where the hell am I? I skim over the entire room trying to establish where I am.

"You're awake?" I'm suddenly made aware of Luke's  presence and then the reality slowly creeps in slowly and I'm reminded of my near-death experience. I actually survived. I barely come to terms with the idea of my survival when I'm trapped in a bone-crushing hug from Luke.

"I thought you wouldn't survive. I almost lost you a second time you know. When I held your unconscious body in my arms after so long I............." he sobbed as he tightened his hold on me.

"Sssssssh it's ok .....I'm here now am I not? Everything is fine now, "I say trying to calm him down.

"I almost lost you again."He kept crying and this time I let him. This must have been one hell of a ride for him. After a while he slowly lets go but stays very close to me perhaps in fear I'd vanish.His face slowly shifts and I can immediately tell that something is wrong.

"I have some news about Jay I'm not sure you'll like it," he says hesitantly

"What is it?"

"He escaped."

"What do you mean escaped I thought he was shot."

"He was shot and rushed to the hospital but he managed to get out."

"Luke what if he comes after us? You saw the look in his eyes earlier he is not going to let this go. What do we do?" I immediately start to panic. It's not just me in danger, so is Luke and everyone else who is close to us.

"Calm down Mandy I won't let anything bad happen to you."

"Luke you are also in danger with him out there. Who knows what he might do."

"Calm down love everything is going to be fine I promise you."

"Luke I'm scared. "

"It's ok I'll make sure you're ok."

I hang on to Luke for dear life as my heart thumps at the new information. I can't go through the same thing again. Just then the door opens and three pairs of arms are wrapped around me.

"We thought we'd lost you, honey"

It's my mom. Hearing her voice again I couldn't help the tears that flowed freely on my face. Although I had forgotten them for the most part I always questioned whether or not I had a family. When I finally remembered them I longed so much to be with them and to hug them. I missed them so much and to think I almost didn't make it back to them.


It's been a week in this depressing hospital room and I can't wait to go back after so long. Luke had gone out to pay the hospital bill when a large bouquet of flowers arrived. Looks like Luke still had a romantic side. Judging by the size of it he must have spent a pretty penny on it and I was quite grateful for it, slowly things are going back to how they were before.

Get well soon my love I love you and miss you every day read the card.

How sweet. Just then he steps in and I engulf him in a hug.

"Thank you."

"Umh ok....for what?"

"The flowers silly they are very nice." I lean in to kiss him as a way to show my gratitude but he only gives me a confused look.

"What flowers?"

"These flowers, didn't you send me the flowers?"

"Mandy I didn't send you any flowers if I were to do that then I'd bring them myself. Can I see that." he gestures at the card in my hand. He immediately tenses and picks up his phone to call someone.

"I need you to do something for me," he says the urgency in his voice quite prominent.

"Let's get you home first then ill get to the bottom of this. It's either someone is playing a very sick joke and I highly doubt that or he found you."

Him again.

"Oh my God, I'm going to be sick." I barely get the words out before I'm rushing to the bathroom to throw up the little I ate.

Luke is soon behind me holding my hair up and running his hand down my back in a soothing motion.

"Take it easy I'll get to the bottom of this. I just need you to rest and leave everything else to me."

I give him a small smile as I get up to rinse my mouth. If only it were that easy to leave everything else behind. The atmosphere shifts from the hospital to the car and even as we get home. The happiness I wanted to have after coming back home was far from what I had now. I thought I could come back to my former life but now my life is shadowed by the life I wish I never had.

I was starting to get used to things going well, so how could everything go so wrong so fast?

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