Chapter 15

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Despite trying to keep a low profile for the sake of my safety and that of my family, news of my return spread like wildfire. Luke being a little too cautious hired so many bodyguards I can barely go anywhere without being shadowed. As an effort to relieve my stress I managed to convince Luke to let me off for an hour or so to scan the mall and do some shopping. It doesn't go unnoticed the way people keep glancing my way obviously shocked at the large entourage following behind me. I turn my head down slightly embarrassed at the show I'm creating and partly because I'm not used to this much attention being on me.

As I reach my destination I ask my bodyguards to remain outside while I scan for what I wanted and they gladly agree staying footed at the door. As I'm scanning through the isles of lingerie I can feel the hairs at the back of my neck stand still. Goosebumps litter all over my skin and I can feel it. It's like I'm being watched. I turn around to look for whoever is watching me but I'm shocked to realize I'm the only one on that isle. I start to question my intuition but after a while choke it down to me being paranoid about the whole situation we got going on. Jay would never show up here. Especially not in a public place.

I quickly finish up with my shopping and head on to get myself a quick bite before heading back. As I'm waiting in line,I suddenly have the urge to go eat with my husband and so I buy both of us lunch and start heading to his office. On my way I send him a quick text to let him know I'll be there in a while which he responds immediately saying he's waiting.

I get out of the car and half sprint to his office like a teenager in love. All his staff are a bit shocked to see me which isn't surprising given everyone heard of my return but they were yet to see me. I take the elevator to his flow and as soon as his secretary sees me approaching her face is morphed in shock as she searched for the words to say to me. I laugh lightly and exchange a few words before I start heading over to Luke's office.

As I approach the door I hear yelling on the other side and turn to her wondering why she didn't tell me he had a guest. She seems to have realized her mistake as well but doesn't say anything which I assume means it wasn't a meeting. I head over and this time the yelling gets louder and I can hear the conversation clearly.

"How dare you.....she is my wife and YOUR sister."shouted Luke.

"And you think I don't know that?Incase you forgot she is only my half sister and she stole you away from me."

"I was never yours to begin with. There is no way she could have stole me from you when I was never with you. It was always her and that how it's going to remain."

"Why does everyone pick that trash over me? Luke ,for three good years she was in the arms of another man,sleeping with another man while I was here. I waited for you. You know I haven't been with anyone waiting for you yet you still pick that slut over me?" Before she could continue a slap echoed in the office and within a second a crying Lily walks out of the office holding her cheek running past me at the door. I don't even realize I'm crying until Luke sees me and rushes over to wipe my tears.

How could Lily say those horrible things about me? I have nothing but love for her. My mind keeps replaying all the words she said about me and doubts starts slowly creeping up on me. Did Luke think that too? Would there be a time when he'd realize that Lily was right??

Before the doubts eat me up I look up and I see Luke try to comfort me.

"Don't cry. I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere."  Yeah he was still here.
I don't know about Lily but Luke was still here even after hearing everything she had to say. He was still here even knowing everything that happened and that was all that mattered for now.
"Everything will be just fine. You'll see."
And I believe him. Everything will be just fine.

But first,I have some family issues to sort out.

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