Chapter 6

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"I promise you Mandy,one day I'll make you my wife,you'll see "I smile at him I can't see his face clearly but I can't miss the huge smile on my face.
"I love you" I whisper as he leans in to kiss me. A huge grin is spread on my face as he says it back and we passionately kiss.

The environment around me and all of a sudden I'm in the car with my three friends and we're chatting away happily heading out for our two day visit to the California Mountains.

"You're so lucky Mandy,Luke let you go out and have fun and even funded the whole thing. "I grin sheepishly at that as I remember our conversation before I came down here.

"Make sure to call me every two hours once you're there or I'll assume you got lost and I'll come find you. "
"Yes sir. "I answer mockingly. He give me a look clearly warning me to be serious.

"Fine. I will and thank you for this . I love you"
"Please be careful love I don't want you getting hurt or stressed out. If you need me all you have to do is call me and I'll be there." I smile at him and he kisses me before pushing me out.

"Go have fun. "

Before I'm out he calls me back and says he loves me one last time and I'm gone.

One minute I'm in the car and the next I'm in...a wedding? It's my wedding. I'm holding a man's hand and he's saying his vows and his voice cracks a bit. I glance towards him with tears in my eyes as he puts the ring on my finger. It is my turn to say my vows and I read through the ones I'd written.

"Knowing you has been the greatest blessing I could ever receive in my life. You're a piece of me I never knew was missing until I found it and now I can't live without. Your my best friend,my lover,my life and my home. I'll be with you till the end of time loving and respecting you through whatever comes our way. I promise to be a good wife, learn new things and experience life by your side. I love you now and forever,Lucas Black. "

Then I look up and gaze into his eyes.
I jolt awake. I remember now . It really is him. I saw the love in his eyes. I could clearly see every single corner of his face and without a doubt it is him. I really am Amanda Black.

My body refuses to move still frozen in shock. Even after finding all those articles and having the truth right in front of me,I cannot deny that a part of me was hoping this is all a sick joke.
That it was a nightmare I would soon wake up from. But it's not,this is my reality and I have absolutely no idea how I'll get out of it.

What do I do?My mind drifts to Luke's happy face everytime he saw me. My poor husband.

It's been three years without a single word about my whereabouts, without him knowing whether I'm alive or not. He must have suffered so much and the worst part is I had no idea about all of this. Tears fall down my cheeks as my heart bleeds for him as everything we've been through flashes in my mind.

Every single memory brings content to my heart something I've not felt for three years. My heart gets this sudden longing for the man I loved for so long. Then a thought comes to mind.

Will he want me now that I've been with another man?Will he ever look at me again knowing that I spend three years in another man's arms even though I had no idea of the mistake I was committing?And the most important question of all,will he believe me if I'm lucky enough to get out of this place?My mood sinks at the thought of his rejection.

No. I have to try.

I glance at the time and I'm shocked to see it's 3 a.m. Where do I go from here?I've never been outside alone I'm sure I'd get lost and Jay would find me before I get anyone to help me.
Then a distinct voice rings in my head,
"You don't deserve this. Call for me if you ever remember anything. "
I heard it the day I woke up from my coma.

I know that voice,it's the doctor who used to come check up on me. I always thought he looked at me in a weird way and asked Jay to ask him to stop coming around.

So he knew. That's why he always looked at me like that. But if he knew and wanted to help,why did he never call for help or tell me anything?
None of that matters now coz all I know is he's my only hope as of now. I turn to Jay and shake him awake crying hysterically.

"Jay,wake up I don't feel well,call doctor Arthur. "

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