Chapter 10

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I couldn't control my nerves knowing full well that Jay was unaware of everything going on. Everything was a mess in my head. What if he never finds this place?What if he doesn't make it in time and Jay finds out about this?I kept running over all the negative things that can come out of this and no matter how much I tried I couldn't bring myself to come up with atleast one positive outcome.

I'm so in my head I don't even feel Jay reach out and grab my hand.I turn to face him and I can clearly see him talking but I can't hear a single word.Oh God!I'm being weird and he is going to notice something is wrong.I open my mouth to say something but he beats me to it

"Are you feeling well,love?Your hands are freezing and you appear really pale.Should we go back?"

We can't go back.What if Luke is still on the phone and Jay discovers our plan, I'll be screwed for sure.

"Oh no no no.......umm...umm I think I'm just a bit chilly because I haven't been out in such a long time.My body is just having trouble adjusting to such a drastic change." I rush to say hoping he won't catch on to the slight tremble in my voice.

"You're probably right.I'm really sorry love.I didn't really consider how you'd feel about me keeping you in the house."

"It's ok love you know I cannot stay mad at you for long"I turn to look at the man who stole three years of my life as he smiled down at me and I have to force myself to swallow down my disgust and growing hatred towards him How could he lie straight to my face without so much as blinking.As he leans down to kiss me I silently say a prayer to my Luke wherever he is, "Please hurry up."

Luke's POV

"Can you hurry up,she might be in trouble."
I almost lost my mind when she disappeared and the fact that I never knew where she was,how she was doing or how I could help made it worse. Losing her again now that she has reached out and asked for help would kill me.

When she asked me to not reveal that I had gotten in touch with her I wanted to disagree but I knew Mandy,she wouldn't ask me to do something like that unless she had a very good reason apart from the fact that Jay would find out. I feel like I failed her. All this time the signs were right in front is me and I was blind to it all. I knew Jay would be up to something ever since he learnt Mandy and I were together and he made it clear he wouldn't give up until he had her again. And he succeeded and I was oblivious to it.

Charles glances at me for the hundredth time probably worried about telling me they are yet to figure out exactly where she is. I take a deep breath to calm myself down. Only then would I be able to think rationally and help get Mandy back without putting her in even more danger.

Charles walks closer to me with a tired look and I brace myself to receive the bad news yet again.

"We finally have her my friend,"he smiled at me relief clear on his face.

I can finally get to her after all this time and it kills me to think I'll probably have to wait for atleast six hours to get there.I almost scream at my secretary to quickly arrange everything just as Kira,Amanda's sister walks in to my office unannounced.

She gives me a quizical look probably waiting for me to explain which i almost do until Mandy's words echo in my mind and I gesture at Charles and his team to give us some space which buys me time to think of an excuse.

Everyone scrambles out and I'm left to lie to the sister of the woman I love who impatiently looks around hoping I'll start explaining soon.She finally voices her thoughts probably sensing my hesitation.

"Luke what the hell is happening?I haven't seen Charles here ever since we stopped looking for Mandy,have you by any chance found her?"

I wanted to tell her the truth so bad but I knew Mandy wouldn't be happy when she came back.

"Well the thing is I learnt that there was someone who was selling company information to our competitor so i called Charles in to try and help locate whoever it is that's responsible." I cross my fingers silently praying that it is convincing enough to fool her.She is silent for a while then she walks towards me and lays her hand on mine and sensually caresses it and only when I glance down towards my palm on the desk do I notice the phone Mandy and I were communicating with and it was still on call.Shit.I need Kira gone now before our cover is blown.

"I have to go handle this matter Kira before it gets more complicated if that's fine by you."I sweetly smile at her hoping she catches onto what I'm suggesting and she thankfully does and she starts walking out but she turns around just as she approaches the door.

"Please tell me if you need anything." I only smile at her in silent gratitude thinking the conversation is over when she adds,"I think it's about time we let Mandy go,don't you think?"

With that she walks out without waiting for my reaction.How dare she suggest that?I thought she cared about Mandy.Whatever it is that got to her I'll make sure I bring Mandy home safe and sound.

"Luke,I think he knows something did you tell anyone?"Mandy's rushed voice pulls me out of my thoughts and i can tell she's panicking.

"I haven't but you have to hold him off for about six hours until we come for you,can you do that for me?"

"I'm not sure but I'll try.Please hurry I don't feel safe."

"I'm on my way love,hold on a little longer."

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