Chapter 11

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Third person POV

I made sure she was gone for the longest time but he never looked my way not even once. They say there's no reward without sacrifices. I made my sacrifice but my reward is yet to arrive even after six years he still can't see me or the love I have for him. I might have thought I cut off the tie but had gone a little easy instead, maybe it is about time I make the greatest sacrifice I'll ever make. I dial the number of the one person who can help me.

"Long time no talk, I think it's about time we bring this issue to a rest,don't you think?"I know he won't accept easily and that's how I can tell that he's going to be quiet for a while,thinking.

"I can't do it and you know it. This was never our agreement and you know it."

"Then you better make sure you both disappear for good. I never want her to appear and cause issues for me when I finally get together with Luke, Jay."

"You have yourself a deal I'd never let her go back to him. I'll make sure of it."

Well looks like I'll have to do the job by myself but before that, I have to get Jay to give me their location, and only then can my mission be complete.

I'll get him all to myself at whatever cost even if I have to make her and everyone else who gets in my way disappear myself.

Luna's POV

'Where the hell are you Luke?' 

I thought I'd keep it in but I can already feel my eyes welling. It's been almost eleven hours and he's still not here and I'm slowly feeling my hope dissipate as I watch Jay pack up our stuff getting us ready to move to God knows where and the worst part is there is nothing I can do to stop it.

Jay was acting weird after a suspicious call and from his tense posture I knew better than to ask whatever was wrong so all I could do was cross my fingers while trying as hard as possible not to let my tears spill.

I glance at the clock for the umpteenth time and as I look down I'm met by Jay's calculating eyes looking deeply into my soul almost compelling me to surrender and admit my secrets to him.

"Something is up with. You keep glancing at that clock like you're waiting for something .....................or someone. You better come clean right fucking now."

Shit! What do I do?

"Wha..what are you talking about?" Crap I stammered and he caught on to it. His expression suddenly turns murderous and I know I have to come up with something real quick before all hell breaks loose.

"You better come clean about whatever it is before I get mad." I almost laugh at that but I hold myself back. If this isn't him being mad then I don't know what is.

"Wait, are accusing me of something here because I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to imply." his expression slowly starts to change.

Bingo. This approach always works and I really have no choice.

"Let me get this straight, YOU lock ME in a house for three years, and not once did I complain without YOU making a big deal out of it, YOU cut all my communication with the outside world, and the little I have is monitored and you still have the audacity to accuse me of something? You really have some nerve, Jay....."

"Debbie.....that's not what I meant..."

"Then what did you mean, Jay?"

"I'm just stressed out, ok?"

"If you are stressed and you don't want to tell me about it then that's fine but don't you for a second think of taking it out on me."

"I know I'm just..." he stops and looks intently at me like he's suddenly realized what I have done and I take that as my cue to leave and cut this issue completely.

"I'm so tired of this, I can't believe you."

With that, I walk out as quickly as possible but before I'm gone too far I hear his footsteps behind me.

"" God how I've grown to hate that name so I keep walking but he catches up and turns me to him and tightly hugs me.

"I'm sorry love,I swear it won't happen again."At this moment I'm conflicted as to what I should believe because right at this moment he is the man I've lived with for the last three years. The one who loved me so much despite all the rules he made me follow.

"I don't like it when you get mad at me for no reason at all and you know it."

"I know and I'm really sorry, please don't be mad." I lightly chuckle and without even thinking I immediately answer.

"You know I can't be mad at you for too long." 

I'm surprised by my response and at that moment I almost feel bad for betraying him and calling Luke. I'm about to pull away when I notice movement outside the window and I tense up and so does Jay, I know I'm not the only one who saw it by the iron grip he has on me.

My heart pounds in my chest in anticipation as I picture my reunion with Luke but I'm pulled back by Jay's icy cold voice whispering in my ear,

"You fucking BITCH."

Oh well.

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